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Online platformer DDraceNetwork gets Vulkan support

By - | Views: 9,710

DDraceNetwork, a free and open source online co-op platformer now has Vulkan API integrated as of the latest update. Starting off life as a simple mod for Teeworlds, nowadays it's a popular standalone multiplayer platformer that can be quite the challenge.

Seems it's remaining somewhat popular too, especially with the Steam release, which sees over 2,000 players online at a time every day. Might not sound like a lot but it's more than the likes of some much more well-known indie and AAA titles, so it is pretty impressive.

Main improvements in the latest version:

  • [Client] New Vulkan graphics renderer for more FPS (enable in Graphics Settings)
  • [Client] Improved demo renderer performance
  • [Client] New players join Tutorial servers by default
  • [Client] Replace browser icons with font icons
  • [Editor] Quad knife tool
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Available free on Steam and the official site.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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