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Stellaris: Overlord expansion confirmed for release on May 12

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Ready to become the overlord of others in Stellaris? You're going to get your chance when Stellaris: Overlord releases officially on May 12, 2022.

This is a full expansion too, not just some little pack. Not only that but the latest free update version 3.4 "Cepheus" is launching at the same time. This free update will bring plenty of new content and improvements for all players worked on by their "Custodian Team".

Here's what the new expansion will give you:

  • Rulers Make the Rules: New vassalization mechanics let you define the role of your new subjects - create new Specialist Empires to grow into economic superpowers, military specialists, and technological creators. Negotiate or demand contracts and agreements between your vassals to define the future of dozens of worlds, and reap the benefits!
  • The Brightest Star Must Guide Them: Seek out and unite scattered empires across the stars! As you explore the vast galaxy you’ll encounter more unique enclaves of people, from mysterious shroudwalkers to militaristic mercenaries and crafty salvagers. Will you forge a mutually beneficial relationship and earn their unique services, or will they submit to your rule by force?
  • Five New Origins to Lord Over:
     - Imperial Fiefdom - You may be just a Specialist Empire now, but some day, the galaxy may need a new ruler… don’t leave any doubt that it will be you.
     - Slingshot to the Stars - The ruined remains of a Quantum Catapult have been discovered near your homeworld - what secrets might it unlock if your people are clever enough to bring it back online?
     - Subterranean - Your species adapted to life underground, excelling in mining and archaeology. Now it’s time to see what awaits you far, far above the surface.
     - Teachers of the Shroud - Developing in contact with the curious psions known as the Shroudwalkers, your empire has learned a thing or two about expanding their minds!
     - Progenitor Hive - Under your leadership, this hivemind empire can achieve more than ever before… but without your guidance, the hive will fall to ruin!
  • Engineer the Future and Showcase Your Power: New feats of technology will give your empire the edge it needs to become the dominant force across the galaxy.
     - Orbital Rings will elevate your influence (and defense) in grand displays of power  from your planets further into space.
     - Hyper Relays will give your fleets the ability to enforce your will across the stars faster than ever before.
     - Quantum Catapults enable new ways to react quicker in the galaxy while projecting your might - but it’s a daring one-way trip for your fleet!
  • Four new music tracks to inspire your rise to greatness.
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You can buy Stellaris from GOG, Humble Store and Steam. At release it will be $19.99 / £15.49 / €19.99.

Anyone else going to be diving back in for this? I think I'm going to!

In related Paradox Interactive news, their official PDXCON is returning in-person this year between September 2-3. It will feature hands-on with Victoria 3, live music performances, chats with developers and a massive live-action "megagame" designed just for PDXCON.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Mal Apr 22, 2022
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Good DLC for what concerns the foreign policy. A vassal rework was sorely needed. I see also some adjustments in the movement that should help a little with warfare, namely the space highways. These should make less painful to repel incursions later in the game.

Althogh I believe that overall a lot of the content of this DLC will be dead on arrival until they rework movement.

When I read "reinforce your borders by employing powerful fortress vassals and all sort of static defense bonuses" and "avoid any enemy static defense with the new teleport anywhere (like enemy capital) wonder" and in the very same patch notes... I'm more and more conviced that whoever is charge is more concerned in bloating the DLCs with all sort of catchy but useless stuff rather than actually put toghether a sound game design. But hei! Maybe next week there will be some surprise patch note and everything will make sense for once.
Purple Library Guy Apr 22, 2022
I was not expecting a DLC about vassals to interest me, but there's some cool stuff there.
Philadelphus Apr 22, 2022
Quantum Catapults sound like fun. The Subterranean origin sounds interesting as well, depending on how it works.
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