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War Thunder gets officially Steam Deck Verified

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Gaijin Entertainment has updated War Thunder, and as a result it went through Deck Verified once again to get a fully Verified status for the Steam Deck. This seems to have be done on their Native Linux build too, so they put in some real effort for this.

They didn't say what exactly they changed though, here's their announcement:

Good news everyone! The War Thunder development team have fully optimized the game for the newest Steam Deck gaming devices that hit the shelves at the end of February. Steam Deck players were able to play War Thunder right from the platform’s release point, but there were still some minor compatibility issues. We did our best to complete optimization, and are proud to announce the full compatibility check mark recently received from the Steam Deck developers.

Hundreds of thousands players worldwide come to play War Thunder daily. Players from various platforms can take command of combat vehicles in one battle: Windows, Mac, PlayStation, Xbox, Linux. Now, a growing audience of Steam Deck owners joins us, who are able to play with their Steam account and easily share the achieved progress between platforms. Welcome aboard!

It's good news, as one of the more popular games on Steam where the anti-cheat is also supported. War Thunder sees regularly close to 70,000 players online at any one time meaning it's constantly in the top 20 Steam games.

Do you think you'll be playing War Thunder on Steam Deck?

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Izaic Apr 8, 2022
War thunder has been trash for a while now. I quit like a year ago after reaching top teir in a few tech trees. I really loved the game, but gaijin just kept adding more and more premium vehicles and pay-to-win stuff to the point where the game became super unbalanced and no fun to play anymore... not to mention the pile of bugs that were around for a long time, such as ghost shells where when you shoot a enemy, the shell doesn't register as hitting despite being directly on target.
kean Apr 8, 2022
I have 3000+ hours and I still love it, it is not a perfect game, but still the best of its kind. Not to mention the love from the developers to have such a variety of platforms, never had an issue with the Linux client and I use it for 4 years.
uriil Apr 9, 2022
This has been my favorite game for almost 9 years now, When this game came to Linux that same day I bacome a full time Linux user(before I had Windows in dual boot just to play War Thunder). I have a reservation for Steam Deck, so this news make me happy!
Lamdarer Apr 9, 2022
For me, the game still crashes when quitting.
Pikolo Apr 9, 2022
Quoting: LamdarerFor me, the game still crashes when quitting.
Same for me, please add yourself to the bug report
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