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Wine 7.6 out now with more PE conversion work, Mono updated

By - | Views: 20,644

Wine is the compatibility layer that allows you to run games and applications developed for Windows - on Linux (plus also macOS and BSD). A new development release is out with Wine 7.6. It's a major part of what makes up Steam Play Proton and enables a ton of games to work on the Steam Deck. Once a year or so, a new stable release is made.

Here's what they listed as the highlights in Wine 7.6:

  • Mono engine updated to version 7.2.0.
  • More progress on the PE conversion of graphics drivers.
  • Locale support using the new CLDR-based database.
  • Various bug fixes.

As we explained previously: the continued conversion of various modules to PE is another change that will gradually increase compatibility in many ways over time for certain expected behaviour needed by Windows applications. Previously Wine has built its Win32 libraries (like DLLs and EXEs) as ELF but for many reasons (like better compatibility) they've started to move them over to use PE instead.

17 bugs were noted as solved including issues for: The Crew (Uplay), Oculus Runtime, SteelSeries GG installer, Silk Road: Tale of the Star Island, Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and others.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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mrdeathjr Apr 9, 2022
​this release fix sega rally launcher thanks to wine-mono 7.2.0

and in my case begin work cinematics in trials of cold steel


Last edited by mrdeathjr on 9 April 2022 at 2:22 pm UTC
fenglengshun Apr 9, 2022
Quoting: mrdeathjrand in my case begin work cinematics in trials of cold steel
That's really nice. I swear, cinematics in Japanese games are a pain in the ass.
Pengling Apr 9, 2022
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Quoting: fenglengshunI swear, cinematics in Japanese games are a pain in the ass.
Tell me about it! That's exactly why I haven't bought The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles yet.
kaiman Apr 9, 2022
Quoting: PenglingTell me about it! That's exactly why I haven't bought The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles yet.
The cutscenes in TGAAC can be made to work with some native DLLs, as per these instructions. Using that workaround, I played start to finish with no issues.

Also, from following the Proton bug filed for the issue, it looks like the videos have been re-encoded and now work, save for the bonus content. Though I've not personally verified that.
Pengling Apr 9, 2022
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Quoting: kaimanThe cutscenes in TGAAC can be made to work with some native DLLs, as per these instructions. Using that workaround, I played start to finish with no issues.
Thanks so much, brilliant stuff - I'll have to grab it soon!
FinixFighter Apr 11, 2022
Wine team is great! I hope I can play Crossfire soon!
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