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We may not have PUBG supported on Linux / Steam Deck yet but we do now have CRSED: F.O.A.D. (previously called Cuisine Royale), a Battle Royale game that looks quite a bit like PUBG but sprinkles in some powers.

At some point, the developer put up a Native Linux version and it has also now been Steam Deck Verified with the announcement being official earlier this month. So if you've been after another BR game, perhaps this might be it? Although it doesn't have a big playerbase, it's active enough that finding a game so far hasn't been a problem. Seems mildly amusing too.

Here's how it runs on my Fedora Linux desktop followed by Steam Deck:

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It's close to perfection. Once they fix up some of the lighting issues, it would be quite great.

Game Features:

  • Massive and dense PvP battles: dozens of players begin their trip in one of the four picturesque and detailed locations, fighting their way to the centre of the battlefield. All the while, the battlefield itself shrinks constantly, surrounded by the deadly Dark Zone.
  • Different champions to select - each one with a unique superpower.
  • A constantly growing collection of realistically modelled weapons and armor, including anti-materiel guns, sniper rifles, assault rifles, rocket launchers, flamethrowers and mortars. There are few compromises in the game regarding physics or ballistics rules. Different vehicles, military amphibians and speed boats will help to cover distances.
  • Use mystical powers! Draw seals with your blood or conduct ancient rituals, throw hex bags at enemies and use your own special power. You can flood the whole map or cause the sun to eclipse, set up traps, summon zombies or teleport yourself or others the hell out of here. But first, one needs to collect sinner souls for killing enemies - to be able to pay for most of that luxury.
  • Stand out from the crowd with different costumes, masks, talismans, hats, gestures, graffiti and even underwear! Unlock new spirit-guardians to get additional tactical abilities in the battles.
  • Regular special events with new rules and setups of battles and a system of daily tasks and secret missions rewarding players with unique items and powers.
  • Fair play TPV: you can play in first or third person view. In order to mitigate any advantage of the latter, every player has a familiar with a camera that can uncover the position of a player who is peeking around a corner. So if you see a butterfly or a drone - you should know that you are being watched.

On my desktop with two monitors, one annoying quirk it had when first loading was the resolution stretching across both. A quick change in the settings and now it's looking pretty good, and it performs well too. The game is even using the Vulkan API on Linux.

Play free on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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infernelu May 26, 2022
im going to try this one out. thanks
Arnvidr May 26, 2022
Played quite a bit of this when it was still Cuisine Royale. It was the only thing that kept me booting into Windows. Lost interest around the time of the name change. Not sure if the changes to the game did it, or I just got bored of it. Maybe time to give it another chance, if they actually work on linux now.
Xpander May 26, 2022
It's Free to play and its Native.. So there's that. Played couple of rounds, but imo its pretty awful. Combat is pretty bad. Audio-visual feedback is not very well done imo, the animations are pretty bad. First person view is kinda strange and third-person is even worse for this type of game imo. The Maps are kinda bland and boring also. Points of interest locations are like just slapped in and loot is sometimes very weirdly placed. Graphics look pretty OK (minus few visual glitches with water reflections and shadows) and the game runs well. Not the worst game out there but lacks a lot of polish. I might be spoiled with how fluid the combat in Apex legends is. But like i said.. Its free and just like 10GB to download and at least in EU zone i found the matches pretty quickly.

Gameplay video:
furaxhornyx May 27, 2022
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Not that bad, for a game that started kinda like a joke... Maybe I'll give it another try, at least this one is Native
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