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Looks like the Budgie desktop is coming to Fedora Linux officially

By - | Views: 24,956

Do you love the Budgie desktop environment? Good news, another Linux distribution looks like it will have it soon with Fedora. This is official too, with developer Joshua Strobl formally getting it going.

This will include all the major parts required like the Budgie Control Center, Budgie Desktop, Budgie Desktop View and Budgie Screensaver. Going even further, Strobl noted in a Reddit post they are "strongly considering" getting a proper Fedora Budgie Spin going, which is Fedora's way of providing install media with various different desktop environments compared to the main Fedora Workstation with GNOME.

Nice to see things going well for Budgie after the split from Solus, as it's a pretty slick desktop environment that looks modern while staying out of your way to get work and gaming sorted on Linux.

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fenglengshun May 17, 2022
I quite like it, but a good part of the reason why I liked it was the additions that Ubuntu Budgie brings, particularly with budgie-extras and all the welcome tours (UI Layout Changer should be standard in all Linux distributions). I hope they can incorporate that.

The main reason why I stopped using Budgie was that there was this problem with Wine apps that decorates their own windows, particularly with ribbon UI (Foxit PhantomPDF, Office 365, a few games), not playing well with maximization when I last tested it. It would think it's not maximized and switched between normal to maximized, getting smaller each times, so it can be hard to even close the app and sometimes it can be accidentally triggered.

Though it might be a conflict with pixel-saver add-on.

But yeah, other than that, it's great. They even have quick Flatpak install on their Welcome App.

Last edited by fenglengshun on 17 May 2022 at 5:10 pm UTC
iiari May 18, 2022
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Quoting: fenglengshunThe main reason why I stopped using Budgie was that there was this problem with Wine apps that decorates their own windows, particularly with ribbon UI (Foxit PhantomPDF, Office 365, a few games), not playing well with maximization when I last tested it.
Issues with game compatibility and Wine was one of the reasons I stopped using it as well years back. Also, for a while, it just felt like Budgie wasn't being developed that much and it seemed to be falling behind in implementation of newer features and technologies that other DE's were developing. If not for the Ubuntu Budgie folks add-ons to it, it would have been completely stagnant.

I am happy to see a renewed emphasis and push on Budgie, but think they still have a ways to go...
sudoer May 18, 2022
QuoteDo you love the Budgie desktop environment?

Nope, not a fan of its total black, hurts my eyes and looks like the monitor is burnt. Very very overrated imo.

Last edited by sudoer on 18 May 2022 at 2:59 pm UTC
tuubi May 18, 2022
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Quoting: sudoer
QuoteDo you love the Budgie desktop environment?

Nope, not a fan of its total black, hurts my eyes and looks like the monitor is burnt. Very very overrated imo.

Isn't that just the GTK theme?
sudoer May 18, 2022
Quoting: tuubi
Quoting: sudoer
QuoteDo you love the Budgie desktop environment?

Nope, not a fan of its total black, hurts my eyes and looks like the monitor is burnt. Very very overrated imo.

Isn't that just the GTK theme?

No idea actually, Solus Budgie, the original is what I tested a few times in a VM and it always has been that coal black by default.

Like this:

taken from

Last edited by sudoer on 18 May 2022 at 4:58 pm UTC
STiAT May 18, 2022
I like Budgie, but I do not see myself switching back to it from Gnome any time soon. I really got used to the workflows in Gnome by now.
iiari May 18, 2022
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Quoting: STiATI like Budgie, but I do not see myself switching back to it from Gnome any time soon. I really got used to the workflows in Gnome by now.
Arguably, Budgie's reason to exist previously was it was the lightweight, snappy alternative to what then was a slow, bloated, heavy Gnome. Now that Gnome itself is snappy and lighter weight than before, plus having all of Gnome's notable features and scale with rapid ongoing development, Budgie's original brand proposition is somewhat eroded....

Last edited by iiari on 18 May 2022 at 10:41 pm UTC
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