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This Steam Deck Durability Test had me watching in horror

By - | Views: 25,205

There's been various attempts to show how durable (or not so) the Steam Deck can be in various situations but JerryRigEverything definitely had me wincing. Obviously, a lot of durability tests are rather extreme but even so, it's interesting to see just how much the Steam Deck can take before you might need a replacement.

I went into this video expecting some of the standard stuff but I was honestly horrified at what was done, poor thing. It didn't even get a chance to make a gamer happy before it was tortured.

While this physical abuse to the Steam Deck might seem random, the tests are actually all pretty good to show up really what the Steam Deck is made of and why that carrying case is pretty essential for when you go anywhere. Seriously, I'm still putting mine in it to go downstairs.

Anyway, have a look below:

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They are also giving away a Steam Deck, see how to get it on Twitter.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Corben May 17, 2022
LOL, same! It did hurt so much to see this... well... FOR SCIENCE!
And yes, when I carry mine around, I also put it into the case! Better safe than sorry.
Just ordered a dbrand screen protector too!

Nice to see the inner things of the ABXY buttons though.

Last edited by Corben on 17 May 2022 at 3:02 pm UTC
Arehandoro May 17, 2022
These videos might be very good to see durability, but I find rather annoying that while this person has 2 units to destroy, and make money out of it, some of us will still have to wait a few months to play with it.

EDIT: It seems they only break 1, but still.

Last edited by Arehandoro on 17 May 2022 at 3:13 pm UTC
Serious_Table May 17, 2022
Spoilers for the video, but:

I'm surprised how well this held up! The scratches on the screen weren't apparent until super wide viewing angles, 20 seconds exposed to FIRE and the screen recovered, and not a single crack while flexing the device?! I was seriously sweating when he started pulling but it flexed right back. Valve really built these things to last!
Zlopez May 17, 2022
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It's sad to see people deliberately destroying their own Steam Deck when I didn't even got e-mail for mine.
rcrit May 17, 2022
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I suppose at least some of the parts are replaceable but I don't know what the purpose of scratching everywhere was. It's obviously all the same material (e.g. he could have just scored the back and made his point). Knowing that the buttons won't wear out and that some are covered with stickers is actually useful information, but defacing it and making instant e-waste seemed pointless.
DerpFox May 17, 2022
I guess no one here ever watched his videos seeing the reactions.
cdnr1 May 17, 2022
yeah he definitely has a place in hell now :).
Philadelphus May 17, 2022
Just that thumbnail has me wincing—since I don't feel like watching the video, anyone want to spoil it: is the upgraded glass worth it?
TrainDoc May 17, 2022
Ya'll this is his job and he got them either as review units or bought them off of people. Calm down, it's mass produced consumer hardware. While it's meaningful for the proliferation of Linux, it's best to not be so invested in a product made by a multi-billion dollar corporation. (I couldn't make it through the first 5 minutes to be perfectly honest.)

Last edited by TrainDoc on 18 May 2022 at 6:56 am UTC
devland May 17, 2022
I'm sorry but that's not a durability test. Never in day to day use would you put a cutter to it and start hacking away. That video is part of a niche segment on youtube that revolves around destroying popular objects/devices. The cringe element is intended and it drives views. Nobody watches that for the "durability" aspect.

Last edited by devland on 17 May 2022 at 8:02 pm UTC
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