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Finally, after multiple years of problems, Valve seem to be getting back on the horse for Team Fortress 2 development to deal with the big bot problem.

All across Twitter recently there's been a big storm from TF2 fans about the issue, as Valve has seemingly ignored it for quite some time now. It was getting hard to come across posts about anything to do with Steam and Valve that didn't have players complaining about it. Rightly so, it's a huge problem, bots have been ruining the game.

Valve took to Twitter to the official TF2 account to say this:

TF2 community, we hear you! We love this game and know you do, too. We see how large this issue has become and are working to improve things.

That's the first Twitter post from the TF2 team in years, and the official TF2 website hasn't said anything about the issues.

Considering TF2 is one of the games that helped to push Steam's popularity, and continues to this day being one of the most popular games on Steam, hopefully Valve really will actually solve it this time. They tried a few times across 2020 and 2021 to deal with it, but all they did is slow the bots down for a while and they all came back in force.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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minidou May 27, 2022
They've been saying that every six months for ten years.
Zappor May 27, 2022
Maybe the game isn't actually popular, it's just bots! :-D
Raaben May 27, 2022
It would be nice to see a real effort, but I think Valve is just really done with TF2 and moved on. Its official servers have lasted longer than many or most other online games. I can't fully blame them with how old it is, but at the same time it sucks because it is still alot of fun except for the rampant bots and cheating now. I am terrible at it, but dropping in for a few casual rounds can be a blast.
Mezron May 27, 2022
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It would be nice if they just make it offline easy for locals and home gaming with friends.
Purple Library Guy May 27, 2022
Quoting: ZapporMaybe the game isn't actually popular, it's just bots! :-D
As long as they're paying customer bots.
nerdachse May 27, 2022
If it wasn't free to play, but like 2€ per key, I am sure there wouldn't be as many bots.

It has to hurt, at least a bit, when you get a ban.
itscalledreality May 27, 2022
Maybe they shouldn’t have invested so much time into making DLC hats? It’s been in this state for years.
Whitewolfe80 May 29, 2022
Revolutionary idea maybe createa a new game you could call it oh i dont know team fortress 3 and fix all the problems in tf2 in that game mmmm maybe do that for first time in about 20 years make a game that would be novel. (The card game failure doesnt count)
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