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Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone expansion announced

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Paradox have plenty more coming with the Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone expansion announced, although there's no date yet they've teased it.

In By Blood Alone you chart the course of Mussolini's regime in Italy or subvert Italy's historical path in one of many new alt-historical paths in the new Italian focus tree, driven by the constant involvement in war from the beginning to the end of the game. This includes a new expansive focus tree for Ethiopia and one for Switzerland too. Plus you get to design your own planes which sounds thoroughly interesting.

As always, it will also release alongside a fresh free upgrade for all players.

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What it will offer:

  • New Italian Focus Tree: Follow the historical path of Mussolini’s Italy or rewrite history by restoring power to the monarchy, leading a Communist revolution or promoting democracy.
  • New Ethiopian Focus Tree: Defy the odds to defeat the Italian invader or resist the conqueror from abroad using unique Government in Exile abilities.
  • New Swiss Focus Tree: Surrounded by France, Germany and Italy, the mountain nation of Switzerland finds strength in its neutrality, balancing competing factions and overtures from the great powers.
  • New Peace Conference Options: Demilitarize zones of the map or entire nations, bid on the capital ships of defeated powers, or claim control of enemy resources or factories as reparations.
  • Aircraft Designer: Design and build your own planes, from nimble interceptors that prioritize speed to durable bombers crafted to unload tons of destruction from high above.
  • Unit Medals: A log of each division’s accomplishments lets you track their performance, and even allow you to award medals to those that have performed well.
  • Embargo Interaction: Embargo your enemies with a new diplomatic interaction, preventing them from trading with you if they have generated enough world tension.
  • New Unit Models: More than 20 new pieces of unit art for Italian, Ethiopian and Swiss armies.
  • New Plane Models: 67 new plane models.
  • 12 New Music Tracks

You can buy Hearts of Iron IV on Humble Store and Steam.

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