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Into the Breach: Advanced Edition releases July 19th as a free update

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Subset Games have recently announced that they're upgrading Into the Breach with a big free update in Into the Breach: Advanced Edition that releases on July 19th. Just like they did with their previous game FTL!

The developers say it nearly every part of the game will be expanded with new content. Some of what's included:

  • Five new mech squads and nearly forty new weapons.
  • New Challenges: More enemies, more bosses, and more mission objectives that add additional challenge and variety to any run.
  • New Pilot Abilities: The expanded roster includes four new pilots and triple the amount of skills any pilot can earn through promotions.
  • Support for 7 more languages, bringing us up to 17 languages supported! The new languages are Arabic, Thai, Swedish, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, and Spanish (Latin American).

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In addition they're also bringing it to Android and iOS via Netflix.

Buy Into the Breach from Humble Store, GOG and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Pikolo Jun 24, 2022
That is great! Into the Breach did not get the same reception as FTL, but it is a good game. Looking forward to playing the new units and challenges!
soulsource Jun 24, 2022
Sorry, I just have to ask:
Is it coincidence or intentional that this article and the one about Tyrant's Blessing are right next to each other, given their very similar screenshots?
DeathByDenim Jun 24, 2022
Well, I didn't see that coming! I love those Subset Games guys!
g000h Jun 25, 2022
Love FTL - Indifferent about Into The Breach.

The reason - because with FTL you are not siphoned into a single path to achieve your objectives. Into The Breach is basically a game of chess where you have to look moves into the future, and if you don't play exactly right your game is over. To be honest, I'm being ungracious to the game of Chess with this comment. At least in Chess, you can typically weedle your way out of a bad situation.

Sorry Devs! =/
jens Jun 25, 2022
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It is also coming to iOS, I'm even looking more forward to that, though no idea how this works out with Netflix games.
FTL is still really good on the tablet (tbf I rarely play on the tablet, actually just FTL :)). I could imagine ITB as well.
Ehvis Jun 26, 2022
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Strange game this is. I like the battles, but the progression is weird. I have 2.5 hours in the game. This was just one run that I immediately finished. The game says that it basically adjust the difficulty of the final bit to your level, but what's the point of that? It means that any run can be finished at any time without there seemingly not being any other reason to extend it. Felt very strange and as such I haven't really tried to play more.
Cyril Jun 27, 2022
Into the Breach is another masterpiece by Subset Games, just that.
hardpenguin Jun 29, 2022
Wow, can't wait!
anewson Jun 30, 2022
that's a ridiculous amount of content! the original game had what, eight or so teams? and they're adding five?! awesome.
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