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Interested in picking up some more games that will work nicely on Steam Deck or a Linux desktop? Here's a quick run over some recent notable titles that are fully Steam Deck Verified.

The amount is always increasing, as a bunch go through Deck Verified every day. There's a lot that are Playable and Unsupported but if you just want a click and play experience, this is a nice little reminder for you on what's around. Going by the numbers it's now on 3,245 in total as Verified or Playable. As a reminder though: there are games listed as Unsupported that actually do work, and those that aren't tested doesn't mean they don't work — a lot more do.

  • steam deck verified Verified: 1633
  • steam deck verified Playable: 1612
  • steam deck verified Unsupported: 1379

Here's some to keep an eye on:

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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minidou Jun 7, 2022
still no DBD
Liam Dawe Jun 7, 2022
Quoting: minidoustill no DBD
I've tried getting a hold of the developer, they never reply to me :(
Lamdarer Jun 7, 2022
Quoting: minidoustill no DBD
Or Warhammer Vermintide 2, Rainbow6Siege, ForHonor etc
TheRiddick Jun 7, 2022
I've got a Loki Max pre-order set for Q4 so it will be interesting to see how that compares. Its basically a Switch but with a 6800U APU. Not sure if its meant to be faster, sounds like it with more CPU cores at least.

The company ships to Australia direct, so no issues. Valve force Aussies to go via 4th party methods which basically doubles the cost by the time it gets to house.

Only two things to be concerned about,
1-No back paddle buttons, (who uses these and for what? driving games?)
2-Not sure how well the OS will work, I'd prefer SteamOS over Windows in most cases.

Last edited by TheRiddick on 8 June 2022 at 12:01 am UTC
recioalex Jun 8, 2022
Quoting: TheRiddickI've got a Loki Max pre-order set for Q4 so it will be interesting to see how that compares. Its basically a Switch but with a 6800U APU. Not sure if its meant to be faster, sounds like it with more CPU cores at least.

The company ships to Australia direct, so no issues. Valve force Aussies to go via 4th party methods which basically doubles the cost by the time it gets to house.

Only two things to be concerned about,
1-No back paddle buttons, (who uses these and for what? driving games?)
2-Not sure how well the OS will work, I'd prefer SteamOS over Windows in most cases.

Xcom2 uses the back buttons on the official configuration, and man, its wonderful when you get used to it, because without the back buttons... you rely on the track-pad (or the joystick ) for a lot of things.

I think the back buttons are really nice, but only for Mouse+keyboard games, if you plan to use only gamepad games, you are good to go without the back buttons and the track-pads.

Also, note that without track-pads, the use of the OS outside steamOS gamemode, Big-Picture or another of that kind of console-like interface, is going to be a pain in the ass.

Last edited by recioalex on 8 June 2022 at 6:41 am UTC
TheRiddick Jun 8, 2022
Not a huge fan of track pads in general really.
Eike Jun 8, 2022
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Quoting: TheRiddickNot a huge fan of track pads in general really.

I'm usually in the same boat, but did you try those of the Stream Controller? Felt better than any other I've ever touched, on first second and by a wide margin.

PS: I wanted to make sure I understand the word correctly, and, well, there seems to be a second (first?) meaning. :-D

Track pads

Last edited by Eike on 8 June 2022 at 7:38 am UTC
recioalex Jun 8, 2022
Yeah, sorry, i mean the touch-pads, probably i did not pay attention to the auto corrector, just clicked and change to whatever it offered..
slaapliedje Jun 8, 2022
Quoting: TheRiddickNot a huge fan of track pads in general really.
They work quite wonderfully for games that need mouse, or mouse look, etc. Like I can't stand playing FPS games on analog sticks most of the time, but the Steam Controller and Steam Deck are fantastic.

On the flip side of that, there are absolutely times when I think the trackpad on the macbook is trash, and infuriating...
soulsource Jun 9, 2022
Quoting: TheRiddick1-No back paddle buttons, (who uses these and for what? driving games?)

I'm using them in Elite: Dangerous. Two are bound to strafe left/right, the other two are bound to "Full Spectrum System Scanner" and "next target on route".

While I haven't installed that game yet on the deck, I've also seen that a community layout for Old World uses the back buttons for some overlay toggles.
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