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The wonderful Oxygen Not Included from Klei Entertainment has seen a big free update released, which also brings with it full support for the Steam Deck and it's now Verified.

Klei said they spent a few months improving performance for both the base game and the DLC, along with lots of tweaks that might not be noticed individually but altogether it should add up to a much more playable game overall especially later on when there's lots going on.

Check out their new animated short too:

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Some of what's new includes:

  • Ranching gameplay improvements, including gaining Husbandry experience during Critter grooming
  • Fixed many Critter bugs
  • Improvements to UI and Critter performance
  • Significant memory savings on both new and late-game saves
  • Added four new Duplicants
  • Added four new Critter morphs
  • Added new Overjoyed trait: Yodeler
  • Added new Stressed trait: Banshee
  • Added new Clothing Refashionator building that upgrades Snazzy Suits into one of 12 extra-Decor-boosting Primo Garb outfits
  • Steam Deck compatibility verified
  • Speeding Things Up
  • We’ve made a significant reduction to the amount of memory that ONI takes up on your system. Plus, frame times have been reduced—great news for very large bases—and the New Game and Load Game screens now open faster. 

You can buy Oxygen Not Included on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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LosButch Jun 3, 2022
Wow, this is so much better now. Went from around 20GB of ram to 7. Also seeing a lot less input lag spikes (if any) :-)
1xok Jun 4, 2022
Has anyone played it on the deck and have any recommendations? I will try. Had started on the laptop. It went very well. But even the laptop is too cumbersome when lying in bed.
Asu Jun 4, 2022
why don't they put this game on gog?
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