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Splitgate the free online FPS with portals has Season 2 live now

By - | Views: 18,857

Mixing together some fast-paced shooter with a bit of a Halo feel and portals like out of Valve's Portal series, Splitgate has a big new update out now.

While there's plenty of new content additions, one of the biggest changes is to the matchmaking system. Matchmaker 2.0 brings with it faster and smarter matchmaking with human players (less bot matches), players can now be added into an in-progress unranked match if it began less than a minute prior, players are more likely to hop directly into a match than having to be in a waiting area and much more.

There's also three new game modes:

  • Juggernaut (Free For All): Every player against one (hard to kill) Juggernaut selected at random. Score points by surviving as the Juggernaut.
  • Hotzone (Team): Capture and control the neutral zone for 30 seconds to score a point. 
  • Lockdown (Team): Score a point by controlling all three hills at the same time. After each point, the hills move.

A new progression system is also in, they revamped the interface, big additions to the map editor and the list goes on.

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The game definitely feels a lot better than when I tried it previously. While it was fun before, it did have a few minor tech troubles (especially in the Linux build there were some quirks) but it seems to be thoroughly smooth now, seems like they improved it a lot overall. It's also Steam Deck Verified.

Splitgate is free to play on Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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lectrode Jun 2, 2022
Very fun game. Fills the want for a popular CoD Multiplayer type game quite nicely. I've got about 70 hours of playtime in this one from the last few months, and while the experience overall is very good, it still had some hiccups. Specifically:

1) Game would crash or freeze after a couple hours of playtime (ranked matches could not be rejoined, and this would result in an increasing amount of ban time - i ended up avoiding ranked matches altogether)

2) A rather peculiar issue that only manifests on an intel laptop (thinkpad e570 - other games work fine). i cannot reproduce the issue on a desktop with nvidia gfx, nor with an amd laptop, and all 3 systems have relatively recent installs of manjaro xfce. Attempting to launch the game results in the following error:
./PortalWars-Linux-Shipping: symbol lookup error: ./PortalWars-Linux-Shipping: undefined symbol: , version GLIBC_2.2.5

Tried overriding libc.so with `LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libc.so ./PortalWars-Linux-Shipping` without change. Next I tried forcing the steam linux runtime, but that also failed with the same error. Lastly I installed the steam flatpak and ran the game from there, but ran into the same issue.

Hoping the season 2 updates help with one or both of these issues.

EDIT: the season 2 update has for sure helped with the 2nd issue - it is now playable on the thinkpad e570 with no changes other than updating the game. thank you splitgate devs!

Last edited by lectrode on 3 June 2022 at 6:42 pm UTC
akselmo 3 years Jun 3, 2022
Well now I know what I'm gonna do this weekend.
mindplague Jun 4, 2022
Ping me on Steam is y'all are playing. Would love to play with Linux gamers.
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