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Steam Summer Sale 2022 is live so prepare your wallet

By - | Views: 31,996

Another year, another big Steam Summer Sale. Time to load up your cart with all those games you will definitely get around to playing — right? Since this is the big event it comes with the usual fluffy extras like trading cards to earn, badges to craft and more. Really though, you all just want the sweet discounts though right?

They even did a trailer again:

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Some great discounts that work on Linux desktop and Steam Deck like:

And the list of course goes on and on. If you want an easy way to find discounts for games that will work well on both Linux desktop and Steam Deck use this link.

If you find some especially good deals, be sure to comment and let people know what you think is worth picking up.

The Steam Summer Sale 2022 runs from June 23rd at 5PM UTC to July 7th!

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Tags: Event, Misc, On Sale, Steam
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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razing32 Jun 23, 2022
Bye bye paycheck .....
krelltunez Jun 23, 2022
Thanks for the heads up! I just purchased Salt & Sanctuary ($4.77), Creaks ($7.43), Titanfall 2 ($5.09), Ceville ($0.54), Knight Story ($1.05), Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War GOTY ($3.44) and Quarantine Circular ($1.26). Ceville looks like it requires tinkering to run on the Deck, and Knight Story is untested, but the rest have high marks on ProtonDB. Happy bargain hunting everyone!
const Jun 23, 2022
Quoting: razing32Bye bye paycheck .....
Servers seem down, so I save money :)
Minux Jun 23, 2022
No, omg not again, man my poor budget...
robvv Jun 23, 2022
Quoting: const
Quoting: razing32Bye bye paycheck .....
Servers seem down, so I save money :)

Probably due to the many Gb I was downloading. They should be all right now
StoneColdSpider Jun 23, 2022
I bought Doom 2016 (8.73 Dollerydoos) and Ion Fury (12.58 Dollerydoos)
const Jun 24, 2022
Quoting: GuestYep, just got me some primo Final Fantasy 7 remake. I'll play it soon as I beat Final Fantasy 15, Witcher 3, GTA 5, God of war, and Skyrim....

Sadly, servers were available and I bought Pummel Party, Rez infinite, Duck Game and Procession of Calvary.
Nearly added Psychonauts 2, but reminded myself I first wanted to replay it on SteamDeck. Found a video tutorial showing how to get it running. Wished DoubleFine would look into it.
Slackdog Jun 24, 2022
I think I'll resist as my backlog is getting stupid! Mind you Crystal Caves HD for less than 3 quid....
nattydread Jun 24, 2022
Just bought Yakuza 0, X3, Gris, Katamari damacy reroll and Hades.
a0kami Jun 24, 2022
Yay, many more games I'll never play, awesome :D
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