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Desktopia: A Desktop Village Simulator seems like quite a unique idea for a city-builder, also a fun distraction to have open on your desktop. Instead of giving you a big full-screen window, the game sits along the bottom of your screen allowing you to carry on with whatever you're doing while also keeping an eye on your little people.

"Like any city-builder, you get to make the big decisions, while also being able to take control of your own sword wielding character. You can join in the battles, harvest resources, put out fires, or interact with your villagers. In Desktopia, you can be as active, or as idle, as you want!"

You can see the initial trailer below:

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Also, as a basic demo of how it would work on your actual desktop, they have a video on that too:

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Game Features:

  • A completely original approach in PC gaming: designed with functionality in mind, Desktopia allows you to use your PC for multiple purposes on a single monitor.
  • Clever UI: with resizeable pop-out windows which can be arranged anywhere on your screen.
  • A playable character which levels with your village, so you can jump into the action whenever you want.
  • Detailed logs and statistics arrayed in beautiful charts and graphs.
  • Spy Mode: focus the camera on any villager, any time, and watch as they live their life.
  • Resizeable game world, with the option to have it 'always on top' of other windows.
  • From nothing: grow a series of villages along a dangerous and treacherous road: from a single house to a bustling metropolis.
  • Construct a range of facilities (inns, libraries, post offices, temples, blacksmiths etc) and watch villagers move in independently.
  • Keep your villagers happy to collect gratitude, and use it to host festivals which bedeck your village in bunting!
  • Recruit and upgrade soldiers to defend your village from undead, bandits, fairies, and demons. Join them in battle if that's your thing!
  • Hire heroes to lead the charge against your foes and destroy their strongholds.
  • Decide on building low-tech villages with few needs, or risk it big by aiming for high-tech villages with needy villagers.

You can follow / wishlist on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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BlooAlien Jul 4, 2022
Wow, that's actually super creative! Neat!
fabertawe Jul 4, 2022
Great idea.... but.... I'd spend all my time in the game so it may as well just be fullscreen!
Pengling Jul 4, 2022
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This reminds me a bit of late-1990s "desktop toys", except on a bigger scale. Good show!
Rooster Jul 4, 2022
Love this idea!
EWG Jul 5, 2022
Quoting: PenglingThis reminds me a bit of late-1990s "desktop toys", except on a bigger scale. Good show!

Yeah, this takes xpenguins to a whole new level!
Pengling Jul 5, 2022
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Quoting: EWGYeah, this takes xpenguins to a whole new level!
There was a silly little Crash Bandicoot 2/3 one for Windows 95, too - it did the end-of-level dance when it was clicked on, and you could keep it in place or let it move around while dancing.
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