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Dicey Dungeons 'Reunion' is a huge free update out now

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Dicey Dungeons Reunion is a big free update for the brilliant dice-rolling dungeon crawler and it's out now. With lots of new content, it's going to suck you right back in to get rolling. A deck-builder that's like no other, Dicey Dungeons has you build up your abilities through the card system and then you roll the dice during battles to activate them. It's pretty darn clever and easily one of my favourites.

This major new update adds in six new episodes (one for each character), new music, new artwork, new equipment and plenty of new gameplay.

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Game Features:

  • Six wildly different playable classes: Warrior, Thief, Robot, Jester, Inventor and Witch.
  • Dozens of enemies, ranging from Vacuum Cleaners that want to suck your blood, to creatures from Irish mythology, to suave malevolent snowmen.
  • A catchy, upbeat and energetic soundtrack by Chipzel (previously, the musician from Super Hexagon).
  • Beautiful and adorable artwork by Marlowe Dobbe.
  • Procedurally generated for endless play-throughs.

I certainly know what I'm playing through again this weekend…

You can buy Dicey Dungeons now on GOG, Humble Store, and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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The Android version is also now out of beta and on Google Play.
WMan22 Jul 8, 2022
Dicey Dungeons is amazing, I'm glad to see this, I'm also glad to see the android port is out now.
redneckdrow Jul 20, 2022
This motivated me to finally finish all the episodes; (Witch Episode 4 is a witch!) that final showdown is epic! Now I just need the hard mode achievements for each bonus round... AAAGH! The 36 normal episodes + the finale took me ~60 hours after discounting a few hours of idle time.

I may just write a guide. That's how much I like this game!

Halloween was a little underwhelming, so I'm glad Reunion really takes things up a notch.

This game is clearly a labor of love, kudos to Mr. Cavanaugh for making and continuing to add to one of the most fun deckbuilder games ever! I'd say it's easily worth another twenty bucks over its asking price!
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