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Black Tabby Games have just announced Slay the Princess. It's a choice-driven psychological horror visual novel / dating sim with dramatic branching, light RPG elements and hand-penciled art. This is the same developer who created Scarlet Hollow, a popular episodic visual novel.

I found Scarlet Hollow to be pretty great so it's nice to see the developer do more, and with Native Linux support again. See the new reveal trailer below:

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Feature Highlight:

  • A princess. She's very bad and you have to get rid of her for all our sakes.
  • No, the Princess isn't a cosmic horror. She's just an ordinary human Princess, and you can definitely slay her as long as you put your mind to it.
  • Don't even think about trying to romance her. It won't end well for you.
  • Hopefully you won't die. But if you do, you'll die a lot. Be careful and stay focused on the task at hand!
  • Time loops No time loops. Don't be ridiculous. Time is a strictly linear concept and it certainly doesn't "loop," whatever that's supposed to mean.
  • A branching narrative where what you say and what you believe determines both your build and how the story unfolds.
  • A new roleplaying experience from the creators of Scarlet Hollow.
  • Fully voice-acted by the impeccable Jonathan Sims and Nichole Goodnight.

You can follow it on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Purple Library Guy Jul 25, 2022
Somehow this makes me imagine it's the other side of Long Live the Queen.

(Which is rather darker than the anime style makes it look)

Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 25 July 2022 at 4:12 pm UTC
PublicNuisance Jul 26, 2022
I was really impressed with the demo for Scarlet Hollow so I will keep my eye on it. I hope they offer it on or GOG as they will with Scarlet Hollow.
soulsource Jul 26, 2022
The art style reminds me of my wife's ink drawings. I'm definitely going to buy this game.
EWG Jul 26, 2022
I'm sure there's no chance of it happening because it'd be too much work but, it'd be really cool if we could optionally do the inverse. Slay the Prince
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