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Yars: Recharged marks a return of the 1982 Atari 2600 classic

By - | Views: 17,972

Atari continue to get their classics revamped and remade for modern audiences, with the latest being Yars: Recharged that's a reimagining of the 1982 Atari 2600 classic and best-seller Yars' Revenge in partnership with Adamvision Studios and SneakyBox the same teams behind Gravitar: Recharged and Breakout: Recharged.

"Yars: Recharged thrusts players to the center of a daring attack against the enemy homeworld, guarded by mechanical hives that pulse deadly cannons and emit flurries of swirling missiles. Find pockets of safety amongst the hail of incoming fire, and then dart forward in daring forays to chip away at the enemy's defenses. Gather enough energy by destroying enemy shields to power up the massively destructive Zorlon cannon, pulsing searing blasts of cosmic energy and annihilating enemies. Yars: Recharged challenges players to remain acutely aware of visual and audio cues that hint at impending danger, and master the smooth flying controls as they navigate increasingly complex levels."

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Game Features:

  • Arcade mode: Boss rush of 30 enemies. It’s not endless, but it’s VERY difficult to get to the end of this mode. Three hits and you die, but don’t worry, that hit-count resets when moving to the next fight.
  • Missions: 30 unique, challenging bosses and only one life to beat each. Like Gravitar: Recharged, there’s one global leaderboard for mission mode, so you need to be on your game. Bosses pose a challenge, so you will need to take them head on with a barrage of bullets or start with the smaller, Minor Cores first and work your way to the boss.
  • Power-Ups: Minor Cores will drop power-ups when attached. Shoot in all directions at once, rapid fire, explosive shots, or fire a railgun – the nature of the power up is tied to the nature of the core that dropped it.
  • Co-op: Yars: Recharged is a local co-op game in both arcade and mission mode, a big change from the original and a ton of fun for you and a friend.

You can follow on Steam. It releases on August 23rd.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Pengling Jul 15, 2022
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Yars Revenge is from slightly before my time, but it's one of those titles from gaming's formative era that still holds up pretty well today, so this refresh could potentially be an interesting one.
slaapliedje Jul 15, 2022
Gonna have to get this one on the VCS, definitely one of the reasons it exists! While the system is in fact fantastic... WHY Atari had to basically sell the controllers with proprietary USB cables is beyond me....
trev0r Jul 15, 2022
I have to try it
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