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Go on a bit of adventure as a Wizard in Scrabdackle, you just have to find your wand first. This scribbly-art hand-drawn adventure is ridiculously charming. Funded on Kickstarter and coming out next year, the developer has been toiling away at the code and artwork over the last year to bring out a much improved new demo that just landed.

With Native Linux support planned at release, along with support already hooked up with the new demo, it's something you definitely need to try. The artwork really is great and the quirky atmosphere it gives off leaves a lasting impression. Check out the new demo teaser trailer below:

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"Inspired by classics like Link's Awakening, An Untitled Story, and Hollow Knight, Scrabdackle is a project designed, animated, programmed, and scored by one developer wanting to make a world worth getting lost in."

Game Features:

  • Expansive, non-linear world allows for high replayability. The map can be navigated in any order on any playthrough. Try a different route every time!
  • Secret characters, areas, storylines and oddities hidden where you least expect them. The more you explore, the more you’ll be rewarded with unexpected and delightful encounters.
  • Tough-but-fair bosses with tight, challenging combat. With some practice, you can walk away from any fight unscathed. Or, toggle assist settings to define your own challenge.
  • Unique storybook visual style made with hand-drawn line art and a pixelated brush.
  • Optional dialogue that doesn’t take control away from the player. Just walk away mid-conversation, and characters will wave you off.
  • Fill out your official wizardly notebook by scrying new creatures and documenting your findings! Review your field logs any time to see the world in closer detail!
  • Charming original soundtrack with new tracks for every corner of the world.
  • Tons of spells and relics to master. Swap magic powers on the fly to face any type of challenge any way you want!

Try the demo on and Steam.

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About the author -
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Purple Library Guy Aug 3, 2022
Well I'll say this for it: You probably won't get anything else instead if you do a google search.
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