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One Lonely Outpost gets a new trailer and a delay until 2023

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One Lonely Outpost is an upcoming sci-fi colonization life and farming sim that was crowdfunded on Kickstarter. It was due this year but it's now delayed but it seems progress is good.

Early Access has now been moved to March 2023 as they clearly mentioned they want to avoid "remotely giving any of you a potentially bad, or even rough game". Delays communicated properly are fine, as long as developers keep people informed (especially for crowdfunded games) there's never really a problem. In this case, the new trailer showcases a game that looks like it's quite nicely coming together that you can see below:

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Planned Features:

  • Plan your colonist’s farming adventures. Will you explore? Plant? Craft? Build a close-knit community? Delve into mysterious dungeons? Or all of them at once?
  • Fill out the Omninac by experiencing life on the new planet. Categorize crops, minerals, seasons, animals, and more!
  • Terraform the desert with a trusty robotic pet. Fertilize the ground, secure water sources, and make the air breathable.
  • Farm, mine, explore, and carve out a habitat for humanity.
  • Establish a colony and develop the basics. Your loneliness will be over once colonists start coming - but where do things go from there? Well, time to make some choices.
  • Pick the Synthetic route and unleash the power of science, hybrid plants, spliced genes (turns out glowing cabbages are great night lights), and unleash productive robo-cows on the newly sprouted grassland
  • ...or go the Naturalist route, carefully tending to all-natural Earth-based crops and livestock, focusing on quality over quantity. Each path has different rewards - and attracts different colonists.
  • Usher in a new dawn for humanity, building a genuine off-world utopia for your colonists.
  • Connect with the newfound community, cultivating relationships, and who knows, maybe even finding love among the pioneers?
  • And just as important as the future, delve into the past of the old world. Just what lies hidden beneath this ancient planet's surface...?

You can follow it on Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Philadelphus Aug 25, 2022
I'm not 100% on board with the art style, but I do like the description. I've already got it on my wishlist, we'll see how it develops.
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