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Proton Experimental gets Halo Infinite working plus Airborne Kingdom

By - | Views: 31,376

Hot on the heels of Proton 7.0-4 getting a Release Candidate, Valve has put up a new build of Proton Experimental and it's quite an exciting one. This is the special version of Proton you can try, that often pulls in new features and fixes earlier to get more Windows games working on Linux desktop and Steam Deck.

Newly playable in Proton Experimental from August 5th include:

  • Airborne Kingdom
  • ToGather:Island

They also note that Halo Infinite is now playable. However, it comes with issues. On desktop you'll need the Mesa git drivers and there's lots of graphical issues with NVIDIA. On Steam Deck and an AMD desktop, you will see see some minor artifacts. Hopefully those won't take too long to solve.

Additional fixes include:

  • Fix recent regression that caused VRChat to intermittently hang.
  • Fix SCP: Secret Labratory not being playable after a recent game update (again).

Seems there might be some issues with the Flatpak version of Steam on desktop (and older distros), as it needs a newer version of Mesa so keep that in mind as Experimental now needs Mesa 22 or NVIDIA 510.47 or newer. Changelog available here.

Here's a quick look at how it runs on Steam Deck along with how to switch it over to Proton Experimental:

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Pretty impressive! Online play works just fine too.

Many more Steam Deck Guides available on our dedicated YouTube Playlist.

Text guide (Steam Deck):

  • Pick a game and head to the little COG icon on the right.
  • Click Properties, then Compatibility on the left.
  • Make sure the tickbox is done, then select it from the dropdown.

On a Linux desktop:

  • Right click a game, go to Properties.
  • Compatibility on the left.
  • Make sure the tickbox is done, then select it from the dropdown.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Bumadar Aug 6, 2022
Someone is probably going to point out all the minor artifacts but to me that looked perfect :)
Liam Dawe Aug 6, 2022
Quoting: BumadarSomeone is probably going to point out all the minor artifacts but to me that looked perfect :)
In the video while playing I didn't really notice any, was just enjoying it :)
tohur Aug 6, 2022
Man 343 REALLY needs to fix their MCC eac to function properly as its been completely broken for me since they added the .so file for linux
hardpenguin Aug 6, 2022
Quoting: ValveProton Experimental only: DirectX 9/10/11/12 games now require Mesa 22 / Nvidia drivers 510.47 or newer.
Please highlight it in your article!

This bit caught me by surprise. I am on Debian Sid and it recommends NVIDIA 470.xx driver line by default. As a result, Proton Experimental stopped working overnight.

Luckily, kisak-valve on GitHub saved me 😛

Last edited by hardpenguin on 6 August 2022 at 5:12 pm UTC
tohur Aug 6, 2022
One thing I have noticed with this update is if you are getting big stutters in infinite and on AMD desktop make sure Resizable BAR aka Smart access memory is enabled in your bios if your motherboard supports it.. hardly any stutters for me once shaders are cached.. without it stutters like crazy

Last edited by tohur on 6 August 2022 at 8:46 pm UTC
randomgamerguy1997 Aug 7, 2022
with the driver requirements bumped up, I'm kinda screwed unless I can use older versions of proton that don't have the higher requirements
tohur Aug 7, 2022
another thing I have found on Arch install mesa-tkg-git to do away with most graphical artifacts... I was getting see through walls and such with the mesa-git AUR package but went away with tkgs build

Last edited by tohur on 7 August 2022 at 9:01 am UTC
mr-victory Aug 7, 2022
Quoting: randomgamerguy1997with the driver requirements bumped up, I'm kinda screwed unless I can use older versions of proton that don't have the higher requirements
You can modify the DXVK build proton uses. See this thread:
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