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Seems I'll be replaying Half-Life 2 again soon but this time in VR

By - | Views: 25,633

Half-Life 2: VR Mod is on the way and will hit official Beta on Steam on September 16th, so I guess I'll be playing it all over again then.

Seems currently it has no Native Linux version but don't let that stop you, it's probable that Proton will run it quite well. The developers said they do plan to open the source code too, they just need to get it approved by contributors and ensure there's no technical or legal issues. Once that's done, no doubt someone will do a proper port anyway.

It will be free, since it's a mod but you do need to own a copy of Half-Life 2.

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  • Full room-scale VR with tracked motion controls. Physically walk around, pick up objects and climb ladders the way that only Virtual Reality allows.
  • Intuitive and realistic weapon interactions, with quick and easy weapon switching via a radial menu, ammo storage over your shoulder, functional iron-sights, two-handed weapons, and manual reloading.
  • Control options including; full left-handed support, a laser sight, and arcade style "quick reload".
  • Comfort features like motion vignette and 3rd person vehicle camera. (Note: there is currently no teleport movement option.)
  • Playable on any VR headset which is supported by SteamVR.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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kuhpunkt Aug 31, 2022
Quoting: Beamboom
Quoting: kuhpunktI hope somebody does a non-VR mod. Not everybody can afford a VR headset and I'd really like to play it.
... Then play hl2? This is just a VR mod for that game.

And here I thought the joke couldn't be more obvious
MayeulC Aug 31, 2022
Quoting: wolfyrionWhat is the status of VR in Linux? (plug and play?)

Shall I buy Valve Index VR Kit or wait for something newer from Valve?

Performance depends on your GPU and drivers a lot. Not sure async reprojection is supported everywhere.

I was able to play some on my R9 Fury, it was mostly smooth, if a bit laggy at times, and log load times. Didn't play anything serious though.
Ehvis Aug 31, 2022
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Definitely going to try it, but I do fear the vehicle bits. Linear motion doesn't bother me at all now that I'm fully used to it, but rotation still feels very wrong.
Beamboom Aug 31, 2022
Quoting: kuhpunktAnd here I thought the joke couldn't be more obvious

Really, sarcasm and irony is unusable on the internet. There's just too many who'd seriously mean what's said as a joke - regardless of what's being said :D
ObsidianBlk Aug 31, 2022
Quoting: subThere was a VR mode for Half-Life 2 from Valve.
At the time the Occulus Rift DK2 hit the road.

Never got it to work back then.

I had the Rift DK2 myself and I definitely remember playing the HL2 VR version back then. I thought it was amazing! I don't own the latest VR gear, though, so I cannot try this new VR implementation. My most recent VR is the PSVR and it's been a couple years since I've played anything with it. A thousand for a Valve Index is still a bit pricey for me. Maybe when Valve releases their next iteration of it.
slaapliedje Aug 31, 2022
Quoting: MayeulC
Quoting: wolfyrionWhat is the status of VR in Linux? (plug and play?)

Shall I buy Valve Index VR Kit or wait for something newer from Valve?

Performance depends on your GPU and drivers a lot. Not sure async reprojection is supported everywhere.

I was able to play some on my R9 Fury, it was mostly smooth, if a bit laggy at times, and log load times. Didn't play anything serious though.
I cheated and threw a RTX 3080 at it, and no async reprojection needed. Though, I think nvidia's drivers support it now.
slaapliedje Aug 31, 2022
Quoting: Beamboom
Quoting: kuhpunktAnd here I thought the joke couldn't be more obvious

Really, sarcasm and irony is unusable on the internet. There's just too many who'd seriously mean what's said as a joke - regardless of what's being said :D
I thought it was funny. There were 3 games valve announced for VR, so far only one was released. Waiting for Black Mesa VR, so then people can ask for a pancake version :P
Beamboom Aug 31, 2022
Quoting: slaapliedje[
I thought it was funny.
it was! 👍
Joeg1484 Aug 31, 2022
Hope they include the episodes too eventually ;)
jarhead_h Sep 2, 2022
Let's see.... this makes TWO VR games that I actually want to play, and they are BOTH Half Life games. I'm NOT paying $1K for an Index for just two games. They could Announce Half Life 3 as VR only and I still wouldn't do it.
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