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As Valve expands the Steam Deck into Asia, they've begun a series of interviews and one on video with IGN Japan was quite interesting so here's the main points. While a lot of it was already known, it's still nice to reiterate just how all-in Valve are on the Steam Deck and during the video it also shows off some rather fun looking prototype devices.

Picture credit - IGN Japan

I hope they're still working on that new controller design. I've said it before and I'll say it again — I will be first in line for a new Steam Controller. One that has both sticks and the trackpads would simply be amazing, just like the Steam Deck has and would make playing it docked so much nicer for a lot of people.

The full IGN Japan interview (round-up below):

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Here's a little round-up of some interesting bits:

  • There's plenty of continuity between their previous hardware and the Steam Deck, with lots that helped to complete the Steam Deck like working on the Valve Index helped their production lines. Steam Link helped towards Remote Play and so on. Valve Index controller for example was an important stepping stone in regards to dealing with batteries.
  • Valve confirmed again that they will "only use Proton when there's no Linux version of a game", however they learned from Steam Machines and working with developers to get Linux ports that it often wasn't worth it and why they worked on Proton. Since the Steam Deck, it's been far easier to get Proton working for new release as they've been working with developers.
  • Linux is a benefit to them since it's open source, as it means they can work to fix issues and features quicker than reporting it to someone else and keep improving as they don't have to report it to someone else and wait on them.
  • Japan was on their list to ship the Steam Deck to from day 1 but they had to work out the distribution.
  • They think the Steam Deck will be a multi-generational product, they expect there to be future iterations and they're finding the right balance to give developers a stable product to target but they wish to follow the PC model of constant improvement. No time span yet.

Since you're here, check out my latest video talking about why it won't quickly become obsolete:

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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kuhpunkt Aug 5, 2022
At 11:33 they are also using a slightly different model. The speaker thingy looks different and the menu buttons at the top are different as well.
elmapul Aug 5, 2022
as an wise man once said, if we ever get an featured as an neptunia character, that means we won!
elmapul Aug 5, 2022
seeing the video here... you know what, it may have beeing confusing showing a lot of prototypes of the final device instead of focusing on the final devide+... GAMES, they are assuming everyone already know what steam is, what games it can play, and that might not be the case, its always good to showcase some games, especially the ones popular on the region.
i hope their market efforts arent all like this there
jordicoma Aug 9, 2022
Quoting: kuhpunktAt 11:33 they are also using a slightly different model. The speaker thingy looks different and the menu buttons at the top are different as well.
It's the same model that you can see at on the video that is playing starwars.
Probably it's one of the last prototypes.
elmapul Aug 14, 2022
omg, its offtopic, but i sent an video recomendation by e-mail and now i just saw that it was 1 year old...
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