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Windows compatibility layer Wine version 7.15 out now

By - | Views: 26,292

Wine is a compatibility layer that aims to let you run games and applications designed for Windows on Linux and a new release version 7.15 is out now. This is the compatibility layer that allows you to run various Windows applications and games on Linux (and forms part of Steam Play Proton). Once a year or so, a new stable release is made but the development versions are usually fine to use.

New in this release:

  • Command lists in Direct2D.
  • RSA encryption.
  • Initial Wow64 thunking in WIN32U.
  • Optional support for colors in test output.
  • Various bug fixes.

22 bugs were noted as solved with this release including problems with: Call of Cthulhu, Gridrunner Revolution, Lost Chronicles of Zerzura, Remothered: Tormented Fathers, Persona 4 Golden, The Settlers V, The Witcher 3 and more.

Need help installing apps with Wine? Try out Bottles, it's what I use on desktop and Steam Deck and it keeps on getting better constantly.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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mrdeathjr Aug 13, 2022
oh my this wine seems affect this

QuoteDmitry Skvortsov (Iglu47) 2022-08-09 14:30:12 CDT
intro movies in Ghostrunner, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and Remnant: From the Ashes (it UE4 games) now works fine on my machine after ee0e10be895fa4e2660917ff87013212fd547a94

Last edited by mrdeathjr on 13 August 2022 at 8:12 pm UTC
Avehicle7887 Aug 13, 2022
Quoting: mrdeathjroh my this wine seems affect this

QuoteDmitry Skvortsov (Iglu47) 2022-08-09 14:30:12 CDT
intro movies in Ghostrunner, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and Remnant: From the Ashes (it UE4 games) now works fine on my machine after ee0e10be895fa4e2660917ff87013212fd547a94

That was the first thing I noticed. If it indeed fixes movie playback for so many games without needing external patches then this is quite an exciting release.
Shmerl Aug 14, 2022
Wow, media foundation fix is a big deal! It was one of the most annoying bugs.

I'll test it with Everspace 2.

Last edited by Shmerl on 14 August 2022 at 2:51 am UTC
fenglengshun Aug 14, 2022
QuoteInitial Wow64 thunking in WIN32U.
The promised future! Soon, no more lib32 dependency nightmares!
mrdeathjr Aug 14, 2022

mrdeathjr Aug 14, 2022
In other test battletoads cinematics works too but input are tricky some times

almost forget in my case resident evil 2 remake still dont working

Last edited by mrdeathjr on 14 August 2022 at 10:43 pm UTC
Shmerl Aug 14, 2022
I can confirm it makes videos in Everspace 2 work! Nice development.
TheRiddick Aug 15, 2022
I hope one day Frosty's Mod Manager can be made to work... one day!
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