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Witchtastic gets Steam Deck Verified after the dev made improvements

By - | Views: 19,166

As time goes on, more developers are tweaking their games to improve the Steam Deck experience and Witchtastic looks like a fun co-op game to try out. What is it? Witchtastic is a 2-4 player co-op game about brewing and delivering magic potions as fast as possible. In a number of ways, the franticness and design is a lot like the Overcooked series.

Recently the developer published a patch that they said ensured all elements properly fit on the smaller screen, and they also adjusted the text sizes to be big enough to be clear — an issue far too many other games still haven't sorted. Thanks to their adjustments, it's also now Steam Deck Verified!

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Game Features:

  • 2-4 Player Couch- & Online-Coop! Brewing magical potions all alone can be difficult. Team up with your friends and work as a duo, trio or squad of swift witches. Witchtastic supports couch coop, true online multiplayer and Steam Remote Play Together! Need a break from all the yelling of your friends? You can practice in a single player campaign as well!
  • Master the art of brewing! Become a better witch by learning and mastering all kinds of potions.
  • Explore the world of Witchtastic! Travel through villages, forests, swamps, cities and snowy ruins. Experience a mysterious journey filled with challenges and dangers along the way.
  • Discover a huge variety of ingredients! Deadly nightshade, mandrakes, mushrooms and many more exciting ingredients are waiting for you.
  • Ride your broom! Use your broom to overcome obstacles, to move faster, or just because you can!
  • Collect magic gems and earn rewards! Unlock a wide variety of new outfits, headdresses and other cosmetics while progressing through the game!
  • Customize your personal witch! Use earned rewards to customize your witch in many different ways.
  • Set new records! Every second counts! Witchtastic is an exiting challenge for completionists and speedrunners.

Available to buy on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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finaldest Aug 19, 2022
Interesting, I should grab this game however, Can this game be played on the go with friends?

Forgive me for sounding stupid here as I don't normally play multiplayer games or co op games, But how does co-op play work on the steam deck if outside with friends?. Do the deck units link via WI-fi? or are we talking about traditional online play only?

I only ask this as I see co-op as a experience when you are actually with your friends and not online. Valve should implement such a feature to allow at least 4 steam deck users to link their decks to play co-op. If not possible then maybe they could implement this feature in a hardware attachment such as a hub unit.
damarrin Aug 20, 2022
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Quoting: finaldestValve should implement such a feature to allow at least 4 steam deck users to link their decks to play co-op.

There’s nothing stopping you from sitting in the same room as other deck users and playing online together except not having any deck-owning friends.

Last edited by damarrin on 20 August 2022 at 6:17 am UTC
hardpenguin Aug 20, 2022
Awesome, I really want to play it :)
MayeulC Aug 20, 2022
Quoting: finaldestInteresting, I should grab this game however, Can this game be played on the go with friends?

Forgive me for sounding stupid here as I don't normally play multiplayer games or co op games, But how does co-op play work on the steam deck if outside with friends?. Do the deck units link via WI-fi? or are we talking about traditional online play only?

I only ask this as I see co-op as a experience when you are actually with your friends and not online. Valve should implement such a feature to allow at least 4 steam deck users to link their decks to play co-op. If not possible then maybe they could implement this feature in a hardware attachment such as a hub unit.

Ah, interesting bit for the WLAN. It would be nice to have a builtin option, although one can use a phone access point or domestic wi-fi, or even a deck as an access point (requires some config).

Otherwise, just connect multiple controllers (like a pair of joy-con over bluetooth). And maybe hook up the deck to a TV for a larger screen. That's what couch co-op is about.

I've seen that game before, it seemed a bit bland compared to overcook, but hopefully it continues improving! Overcook works nicely too, although it took some fidling with Proton versions, and the Steam Xinput API can be buggy at times.
Lachu Aug 21, 2022
I see some part of this game was inspired by Hercules: <something> bull .
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