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The Edgerunners Update is out now for Cyberpunk 2077, along with the Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty expansion getting a reveal and a 2023 release date. Some fixes included for Steam Deck finally too.

A big new feature is cross-progression between all platforms if you want it. So you can play it pretty much anywhere that has this update and sync it all up. In a world of the Steam Deck making PC gaming portable, this is a really nice feature that I hope more games add in. It would be ridiculous to list everything that's new but some of it includes: easy wardrobe changes, 3 new gigs, a bunch of new weapons, a new mini-game, lots of balancing, new poison perks, new secrets to discover and modding updates.

As for the Steam Deck, these specific fixes made it in:

  • [Steam Deck] Fixed an issue where the dedicated preset was applying Ultra settings instead of properly crafted graphics settings.
  • [Steam Deck] Fixed an issue where the game became unresponsive after trying to change Key Bindings.

The first one was a pretty big problem that I personally highlighted back in March, because it gave the impression that Cyberpunk 2077 ran way worse than it should on Steam Deck. It's surprising it took them multiple months to fix a simple settings issue but that's par for the course when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077 development isn't it?

Oh there's the new expansion too and you can see the teaser trailer below:

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You can buy it to play on Linux with Proton or Steam Deck on Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Shmerl Sep 6, 2022
Oh, new expansion trailer? That's cool.

Haven't tested the update yet, but I'm playing GOG version. Previous release worked with stock Wine with only vkd3d-proton addition.

Last edited by Shmerl on 6 September 2022 at 6:58 pm UTC
StalePopcorn Sep 6, 2022
Time to reinstall! Too bad it took the 1.5.x update (over a year after release!!) for this to become the masterpiece I feel it is!
Shmerl Sep 6, 2022
Just to confirm - updated to 1.6 (GOG version) and the game works fine so far.
Mohandevir Sep 6, 2022
Downloading the update on my Steam Deck...

Making me think about the Bioshock debacle. I always use the "--launcher-skip" launch option for Steam CP2077. Launches the games directly. No GOG launcher. CDPR tought about that, at least...
pb Sep 6, 2022
> A big new feature is cross-progression between all platforms if you want it.

Sweet, my stadia progress won't be lost if I want to (or have to) switch to the steam version in the future. [edit] or maybe not...

Last edited by pb on 6 September 2022 at 8:43 pm UTC
Corben Sep 6, 2022
Together with Death Stranding and now Horizon Zero Dawn... despite its issues, Cyberpunk 2077 is among the best games I've ever played. During my playthrough I didn't expect any severe bugs, with Patch 1.5 performance got a lot better, while I've been playing it with DLSS before the patch and without after 1.5. It's a fantastic game! Story is awesome, world is immersive, characters are well written, incredible soundtrack... if you're into sci-fi open world games, this is for you!
STiAT Sep 6, 2022
I wondered today what my HDD was doing going crazy while I was programming.

It was the update running in the background. That one is huge.

Glad I got the games on a seperate disk. Though, I finally got 2 2TB disks to replace my HDDs, still have to do that. But then I would not recognize stuff like that.
Purple Library Guy Sep 6, 2022
New poison perks? Can you cultivate an immunity to Iocaine Powder?
Or are we talking about perks that aren't very useful because they poison your character?
TheRiddick Sep 7, 2022
Going to wait until i get a 4080/90 before I replay this game so I can turn on all those pretty lights. (4k here)

Even at 1440p the game had some pretty nasty slowdowns in areas on my 6800xt. And it was hard to keep above 60fps.
Milanium Sep 7, 2022
Sounds like new content and minor fixes. Have the bugs been addressed already (in previous updates)?
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