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Here's the Top 10 Most Played games on Steam Deck for September 2022

By - | Views: 52,334

As another month comes to a close, Valve has revealed what is currently popular on the Steam Deck based on the most hours played. With a bunch of obvious entries and some from last month, along with Cyberpunk 2077 making a triumphant return thanks to the new update and Anime.

The top 10, sorted by playtime is:

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What have you been mostly playing on Steam Deck lately? Give over your personal recommendations in the comments and let's see what you're into.

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Mohandevir Sep 30, 2022
I plead guilty to the CP2077 rise.
Nothing to do with the anime though... Not my cup of tea.
CatKiller Sep 30, 2022
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This month I've still been working through my backlog of point & click games: Darkside Detective, Lair of the Clockwork God, Technobabylon, Voodoo Detective, and now just started Unforeseen Incidents. I also finished Dust and Limbo, and my little one finished A Short Hike. I've started Cloudpunk, A Plague Tale, Mad Max, Scarlet Nexus, and BallisticNG, and did some more Dead Cells. Now that streaming from a Linux host started working again with a recent beta I've also done a bit of Death Stranding streamed from my desktop.
nullzero Oct 1, 2022
Finished The Shapeshifting Detective. And I'm (finally) playing Valheim.

On the Deck: Master Spy, into the beach and Everspace.

Oh and most of all... cyberpunk... On stadia...Could not resist the hype to go back to it. But now I have to finish before end of the year as my character will be permanently flatlined .
iiari Oct 1, 2022
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Quoting: nullzeroOn the Deck: Master Spy, into the beach and Everspace.
I bet Everspace has to be great on the Deck...

And regarding the top 10 list, still very impressed NMS is still there. What a comeback story.
mr-victory Oct 1, 2022
Quoting: nullzeroas my character will be permanently flatlined .
Boldos Oct 1, 2022
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Quoting: iiariAnd regarding the top 10 list, still very impressed NMS is still there. What a comeback story.
NMS? Is it still the beautiful, yet stinking pile or crap, full of flawed game mechanics it used to be?
(Honest question).
Eike Oct 1, 2022
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Quoting: Boldos
Quoting: iiariAnd regarding the top 10 list, still very impressed NMS is still there. What a comeback story.
NMS? Is it still the beautiful, yet stinking pile or crap, full of flawed game mechanics it used to be?
(Honest question).

Well, it's still in the top ten of played games, so I guess I can answer this without ever having played the game:
Many people like it, some don't, and you'd have to find out yourself which side you belong to.
iiari Oct 2, 2022
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Quoting: Boldos
Quoting: iiariAnd regarding the top 10 list, still very impressed NMS is still there. What a comeback story.
NMS? Is it still the beautiful, yet stinking pile or crap, full of flawed game mechanics it used to be?
(Honest question).
This is off topic, and I haven't played it in quite some time, but apparently it has duel mindshare as one of the games that promised the most and didn't deliver in history, but one which the devs stuck with to create one of the most compelling games in history as well. They've apparently really fleshed it out and the ongoing additions to the gameworld and function have been terrific. Lots of written and TY video content about it out there if you're interested...
slaapliedje Oct 2, 2022
Not that I've been playing any of these games on the Deck lately. Just wanted to shout out how awesome the Deck is. Some old systems, like the PSP, didn't have all that many buttons on it. So as I'm playing Untold Legends, I got frustrated enough that to block you have to hold down the right bumper and press circle... so I took the Input and made L4 press both buttons for me. It's brilliant! I did something similar with Dark Alliance, making the weapon and spell changing buttons be assigned to the four underneath so I wouldn't have to take my thumb off of the stick to switch those.
Nezchan Oct 2, 2022
Quoting: iiari
Quoting: Boldos
Quoting: iiariAnd regarding the top 10 list, still very impressed NMS is still there. What a comeback story.
NMS? Is it still the beautiful, yet stinking pile or crap, full of flawed game mechanics it used to be?
(Honest question).
This is off topic, and I haven't played it in quite some time, but apparently it has duel mindshare as one of the games that promised the most and didn't deliver in history, but one which the devs stuck with to create one of the most compelling games in history as well. They've apparently really fleshed it out and the ongoing additions to the gameworld and function have been terrific. Lots of written and TY video content about it out there if you're interested...

I play it and like most of it. The devs have, bit by bit, been overhauling most of the major parts of the game. Ground combat, space combat, base building, planetary vehicles, and how freighters work so far, plus adding a lot more to do around the Anomaly hub and getting multiplayer worked out. I'm hoping at some point they re-do the main storyline, which to me is one of the primary weaknesses of the game at this point, incentivizing just hopping from system to system without exploring them in order to get to the center faster. I expect that settlements and space stations will get re-done first though.

Not sure what "stinking pile of crap" is defined as here, or what game mechanics in particular, so it's hard to address whether they've been dealt with or not.
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