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Terraria: Labor of Love update is out now

By - | Views: 30,275

Terraria: Labor of Love, another major update for the popular crafting and survival game is officially out now. There's a ridiculous amount (as usual) that's new, here's the biggest stuff to look out for.

Developer Re-Logic sure does love doing just one more update huh? Will this one be the last? Probably not. I'm sure they'll find something more they want to add again at some point.

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Some of the highlights:

  • Gear Loadouts are a fun new feature, allowing you to easily shift roles between three different things so you can get geared for digging, crafting and fighting.
  • An upgraded Void Bag, allowing you to use it like a second inventory.
  •  Most stackable items have had their max limit increased to 9999!
  • Health bars can have numbers now (you can turn it off).
  • New World Seeds to try out.
  • Town Slimes - new friendlier creatures that like to dress up.
  • Melee overhaul with lots of reworks to weapons.

Other additions / changes include:

  • Pumpkin Moon overhaul to be a much bigger event.
  • Added over 300 new items, over 25 new blocks and walls and over 55 new paintings.
  • 3 new furniture sets.
  • Bestiary now shows kill count for that enemy.
  • New Death Messages
  • New Achievements.
  • New sounds to several weapons and enemies.
  • A Terraformer item.
  • They added Poo, yes Poo.
  • Jungle Birds.
  • + the list goes on and on.

See the complete announcement on their official forum.

You can buy Terraria on Humble Store, GOG and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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StoneColdSpider Sep 28, 2022
So glad to see Terraria get another update......

I havnt played it in ages...... Hope summoner is still viable in the new update......
hardpenguin Sep 28, 2022

Poor unicorn.
BrandonGene Sep 28, 2022
At this point I shouldn't be surprised any more when I see that this game is still getting huge updates and reworks, but...dang. It's been over a decade. That's impressive.
Tchey Sep 28, 2022
I played a lot at release, but i didn’t play since a little after they added unicorn stuff.
If i restart a game now it’s going to be almost a new game with all the new "things" to do and see and die from.
AlphaObeisance Sep 28, 2022
This is very exciting. My entire family plays Terraria and this no doubt signals a green light for winter family binge!
Minux Sep 29, 2022
I'd wish Starbound devs had the same love for their game that Terraria devs have

Terraria is awesome and it's magnificent that they have native support for Linux
StoneColdSpider Sep 30, 2022
I had to farm for a long time...... But I finally got the new Spiffo pet
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