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Steam Deck adds External Display Safe Mode setting, 30 second boot videos

By - | Views: 21,355

Now the official Steam Deck Docking Station is out, a lot more people are testing the Steam Deck on external displays showing up numerous issues so Valve has added a little something to help.

In true Valve style when it comes to the Steam Deck, they released a Beta and then only a few hours later put out a stable release. They sure do love pushing things out early. This does pull in the changes from a bunch of recent other Beta versions too so here's what's new:

  • General
    • The Quick Access Menu will now open to the notifications tab when you have new friend chat messages, game invites, or voice chat invites
    • Notifications for Game Invites in the Quick Access Menu now have an option in the footer to accept them without having to navigate to the chat window
    • Added External Display Safe Mode to developer settings. When enabled, the next time an external display is plugged in Steam Deck will pick a low resolution configuration, which may help in some cases where the external display has issues.
    • Increase boot animation max length from 10 seconds to 30 seconds
    • Added controller-specific glyphs on the Lock screen
    • Don't show the "switch to desktop" option in the power menu when the lock screen is active.
    • Fixed an issue where Steam group chats with long names or descriptions could cause break the layout of the chat screen
    • Fixed an issue on the Lock screen where you'd have to dismiss the On-Screen Keyboard manually if you slept the device while it was up
    • Fixed invoking the On-Screen-Keyboard while already in a full-screen keyboard input scenario causing bad behavior.
    • Fixed a case where the Performance Overlay would still show when set to off.
  • Steam Input
    • Restore the previous behavior of using stick deflection rather than the capacitive sensor for Radial Menus that don't have center buttons bound
    • Fixed an in-game crash
    • Fixed an issue with editing command settings from inside the virtual menu screen

I'm currently still testing the official Steam Deck Docking Station myself, and should have some thoughts up at the end of the week after I've played around with it some more.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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ryad Oct 19, 2022
I'm really happy that Valve starts to give external displays the attention they deserve. I mainly use my Deck on my TV since I received it months ago and noticed and reported a handful of issues back then.

I'm grateful that the company doesn't stop to deliver useful updates to their wonderful device.
gaboversta Oct 19, 2022
The steam deck is probably the only device that has work put into allowing users to make startup times slower. To me this shows that people do really care about their decks and the option to customize it.
We may see some of this excitement bring new users to linux in general. Let's hope.

Last edited by gaboversta on 19 October 2022 at 10:42 am UTC
superboybot Oct 19, 2022
I'm interested in seeing what adjustments/improvements come to docking on Deck in the coming weeks. I use a Uperfect X Pro with my Steam Deck when I want to be productive on the go, but the update on the 6th may have introduced a new issue for me.

About half the time (or a bit more), I have monitor detection issues when booting up the Deck with it already connected to the monitor. My situation may be unusual, though, as I use a single USB-C cable to connect the Deck to the monitor with USB-C's Alt Mode. I should see if the issue also happens with a USB-C dock and HDMI cable.
Mrowl Oct 19, 2022
Valve really needs to add Vibrant Deck as an official feature of Steam OS. It's that damn good.

It really makes the colours on the Deck's screen pop, and look especially beautiful for colourful / Anime games.
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