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The Undead are invading Prison Architect in the next expansion

By - | Views: 20,673

Prison Architect - Undead is the next expansion to the building and management sim, with things about to get spooky.

With it comes a new Graveyard Quick Room to make your compound a bit more spooky, however that comes with a legion of undead you need to deal with. Sounds like a bad idea to me. Prisoners can become infected, increasing the size of the horde and you need to find a way to deal with it all effectively. Call in bounty hunters, or turn everything into a weapon and deal with it yourself.

“Just in time for spooky season, Undead adds a mix of survival and horror to Prison Architect that will put Wardens’ management skills to the test,” says Gaz Wright, Game Director on Prison Architect at Double Eleven. “Grappling with the task of survival is no easy feat, as it introduces an extra layer of complexity and pressure to management gameplay. We hope our community will enjoy Undead just as much as we enjoyed creating it!”

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New Features:

  • Welcome the Graveyard - This brand new Quick Room satisfies your inmates’ needs for Freedom and Comfort, making them feel calmer for 12 hours. Be mindful when you add gravestones though, as they will easily interrupt this peaceful atmosphere…
  • The Rise of the Dead - In Undead, no one is safe. And there are many ways to become Infected. One inmate can get sick, some others can be bitten by an unfriendly undead, or again a bunch of infected inmates can rise (aka spawn) directly from the Graveyard. Wardens have no power over the Infected units, they will move and act independently in the prison until stopped. Inmates and guards can try and fight them off, but if they fail, they will join the deadly bunch!
  • Who You Gonna Call? Bounty Hunters! When things go south (because they will) and your prison can’t hold off the outbreak, call the Bounty Hunter Emergency Service: tough, trained bounty hunters will join your fight against the undead.
  • New Traps, Techniques, and Weapons - Desperate Times Call for Desperate (and creative) measures. Use Zombie chum to lure the undead, build a walled-off area and lock them inside, or steal that glorious chainsaw you’ve been eyeing for a while: everything is allowed to fight off the horde.

Prison Architect - Undead releases on October 11th.

You can buy Prison Architect from GOG, Humble Store and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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WorMzy Oct 7, 2022
Shoehorning zombies in? That's a bit disappointing. I guess that's why it's an optional expansion though. Personally, I'll be giving it a miss.
anewson Oct 7, 2022
Quoting: WorMzyShoehorning zombies in? That's a bit disappointing. I guess that's why it's an optional expansion though. Personally, I'll be giving it a miss.

that's funny I was just thinking this would be the extra little push I needed to finally try PA out. It's not that I love zombies but rather this is such a crowded genre I never found prison to be a compelling enough backdrop.
mZSq7Fq3qs Oct 10, 2022
It is a shame that this game still feels so unfinished. There are no keyboard shortcuts, no copy commands for inserting items etc. Playing becomes such a chore
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