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Are you ready for another Sony game on Steam? The UNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves Collection arrives on October 19th, and it's been Steam Deck Verified already.

This is similar to what happened with Spider-Man Remastered, as clearly Valve and Sony are talking behind the scenes to get testing done and ensure the Windows ports are in good shape with the Proton compatibility layer. What a time to be alive, games from Sony releasing on Steam and being verified on a Linux gaming device. Still quite hard to believe but amazing to see.

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I do find it thoroughly odd that they're putting the newer games up before the originals, which is likely down to easier porting on these more modern games.

Will you be picking them up to play on Linux / Steam Deck? Let us know in the comments. I'll be taking a look with a video hopefully up soon after the release to see how it runs.

Available for pre-order on Humble Store and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Mrowl Oct 19, 2022
Quoting: itscalledreality
Quoting: Mrowl
Quoting: itscalledreality
Quoting: Mrowl
Quoting: itscalledreality
Quoting: Mrowl
Quoting: itscalledrealityI wish Sony would release their more interesting games already. Uncharted can be fun but I’ve already played all four and have no reason I would want to return. Even if they bundled in a secret Uncharted 5. Truthfully the games are all too mechanically similar to warrant any replay.

And there it is. Instead of celebrating the fact this franchise is even coming to PC, and is playable day one on Linux, no less, we now have people in the Linux gaming community making entitled and selfish comments, like this.

Sure am!

Here’s a golf clap for Sony porting a game from Unix to Linux.

*patters hands*

Wooo hoo!

Unless I'm mistaken, they didn't port it to Linux; it's still a Windows game, running through Proton. But whatever.

IMO modern WINE makes Windows vs Linux gaming a case of semantics.

My snipe at Unix to Linux is to point out that the Playstations are traditionally Unix platforms. An OS that has traditionally not been used heavily for visual applications and is the cousin of Linux. So why did it take until almost 2022 to give us Linux gaming if we were playing on Unix the whole time?

I’m glad Sony is doing what they claimed would happen years ago when the PS3 was released. However this is not the game I’m looking for, life is waaaaaay too short to play through Uncharted multiple times.

Because Windows accounts for the majority of PC gaming, while Linux accounts for about 5% or so.

Linux is getting there, thanks to Steam Deck and Steam OS, but it's going to take some years.

I would rather developers continue to just use Proton. It makes life easier for developers, and doesn't have much of a big difference, performance wise. Plus it continues to get better all the time.

Hard disagree, go native.

You 'hard disagree'?

A moment ago you were literally saying, "IMO modern WINE makes Windows vs Linux gaming a case of semantics".

Proton: "Built on top of Wine and is used with Steam to run Windows games on Linux"
itscalledreality Oct 19, 2022
Quoting: Mrowl
Quoting: itscalledreality
Quoting: Mrowl
Quoting: itscalledreality
Quoting: Mrowl
Quoting: itscalledreality
Quoting: Mrowl
Quoting: itscalledrealityI wish Sony would release their more interesting games already. Uncharted can be fun but I’ve already played all four and have no reason I would want to return. Even if they bundled in a secret Uncharted 5. Truthfully the games are all too mechanically similar to warrant any replay.

And there it is. Instead of celebrating the fact this franchise is even coming to PC, and is playable day one on Linux, no less, we now have people in the Linux gaming community making entitled and selfish comments, like this.

Sure am!

Here’s a golf clap for Sony porting a game from Unix to Linux.

*patters hands*

Wooo hoo!

Unless I'm mistaken, they didn't port it to Linux; it's still a Windows game, running through Proton. But whatever.

IMO modern WINE makes Windows vs Linux gaming a case of semantics.

My snipe at Unix to Linux is to point out that the Playstations are traditionally Unix platforms. An OS that has traditionally not been used heavily for visual applications and is the cousin of Linux. So why did it take until almost 2022 to give us Linux gaming if we were playing on Unix the whole time?

I’m glad Sony is doing what they claimed would happen years ago when the PS3 was released. However this is not the game I’m looking for, life is waaaaaay too short to play through Uncharted multiple times.

Because Windows accounts for the majority of PC gaming, while Linux accounts for about 5% or so.

Linux is getting there, thanks to Steam Deck and Steam OS, but it's going to take some years.

I would rather developers continue to just use Proton. It makes life easier for developers, and doesn't have much of a big difference, performance wise. Plus it continues to get better all the time.

Hard disagree, go native.

You 'hard disagree'?

A moment ago you were literally saying, "IMO modern WINE makes Windows vs Linux gaming a case of semantics".

Proton: "Built on top of Wine and is used with Steam to run Windows games on Linux"

BlackBloodRum Oct 19, 2022
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Chill guys.

Think of it this way, Linux gaming is in a much better position now than it ever was before. On this front, we should all be happy.
Adam_eM Oct 19, 2022
Sadly, it doesn't work for me. Nothing is happening, and the game is returning to the "play now" state after a while.
melkemind Oct 19, 2022
Quoting: Adam_eMSadly, it doesn't work for me. Nothing is happening, and the game is returning to the "play now" state after a while.

Same. I tried multiple proton versions. I don't know what they did on the steam deck to get it verified.
Klaas Oct 19, 2022
It seems to have many problems on Windows as well. Especially with Nvidia 10?0 cards.
BlackBloodRum Oct 20, 2022
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Are you guys talking about beyond menu or? I just did a very brief and quick check on my deck, it appears to boot just fine with the default proton? (haven't got time to play though -.-)

Klaas Oct 20, 2022
What I forgot in my other post is this: I would've been really interested in this release if it wasn't the fourth part in a series. I've never played any of the previous titles, but I'm not going to start in the middle with a semi-standalone game.
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