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Widelands, The Settlers II inspired strategy game version 1.1 is out now

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Love strategy games? Originally inspired by The Settlers II, the free and open source game Widelands has a big new release out now.

If you've somehow never played The Settlers: you start off with a small amount of territory, and you build up your village and gradually expand across the map. It's real-time but compared to a lot of strategy games it has a much slower and more relaxed style to it.

What's new in Widelands 1.1:

  • Three new scenarios: One each for the Atlantean and Frisian campaigns, and a new standalone singleplayer mission.
  • An add-ons webserver allows efficient down- and uploading of add-ons as well as interactions such as voting and commenting on add-ons.
  • High-resolution images for many units.
  • Multithreading provides smoother performance.
  • Multiple enhancements to the in-game encyclopedia.
  • Diplomacy: Manage your alliances during the game.
  • Fastplace: Assign custom shortcuts to buildings to place them with one keystroke.
  • In-game loading and restarting of games and scenarios.
  • Save and load in-game windows.
  • Editor tool history dialog.
  • Various AI enhancements.

It's available easily on Linux thanks to Flathub. Or see more download links of their official site.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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soulsource Oct 24, 2022
Settlers 2 was the first game I got for PC. After 26 years it's still one of my favorites.
There's also an open source reimplementation of the game called Settlers 2.5 Return to the Roots.
Liam Dawe Oct 24, 2022
Quoting: soulsourceSettlers 2 was the first game I got for PC. After 26 years it's still one of my favorites.
There's also an open source reimplementation of the game called Settlers 2.5 Return to the Roots.
I remember playing the original on Amiga, and then eventually TSII on PC and it only continued my love of it. Absolute classics.
pb Oct 24, 2022
Quoting: soulsourceThere's also an open source reimplementation of the game called Settlers 2.5 Return to the Roots.

Does it have a single-player campaign? I checked the FAQ and it says "Return To The Roots besitzt noch keinen Singleplayer Modus." but I don't know if it's up to date.
gaboversta Oct 25, 2022
I saw the thumbnail and was immediately reminded of my childhood. This is definitely going to cost me some points at the university…
soulsource Oct 25, 2022
Quoting: pb
Quoting: soulsourceThere's also an open source reimplementation of the game called Settlers 2.5 Return to the Roots.

Does it have a single-player campaign? I checked the FAQ and it says "Return To The Roots besitzt noch keinen Singleplayer Modus." but I don't know if it's up to date.
The campaign is afaik not implemented, but I think they meanwhile have an AI for free play.
(Would need to check though, haven't played in a while.)
eldarion Oct 25, 2022
Articles about this one are the reason i discovered this site and checked it daily. So thank you for still covering this. Unfortunately steam deck happened and now we have 70% of it focused on a DRM digital store, Steam, and it's portable device, Steam Deck.

I sign of times, I guess.
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