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Harmony's Odyssey from developer MythicOwl is a  3D fantasy adventure puzzle game set on mythical dioramas full of riddles, perky creatures and magic and now it is available for Linux and works well on Steam Deck.

The developer email it in, to note the Native Linux support and that it has been fully Steam Deck tested too so it should by fully Deck Verified sometime soon. It really does look quite wonderful too! The adventure is presented as various detailed dioramas, filled with engaging mechanics and gameplay features with each being quite unique. Plus, there's numerous little side-activities to do too.

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You can also see their little YouTube Short, featuring the game being played on Steam Deck.


  • Over 100 dioramic puzzles filled with fantastic creatures and magic
  • 8 distinctive biomes to visit, arrange and complete
  • 7 types of exciting mini games to enjoy
  • Challenging yet accessible gameplay mechanics
  • Magical treasures to unlock and enhance your experience
  • Cozy and chilled-out atmosphere to help you relax

Available on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Klaas Oct 27, 2022
Oh right. I got an email notification a few days ago, but it slipped my mind with the arrival of a Steam Deck, Arduino things and a bit of renovating in the garden.
Anza Oct 27, 2022
I played the demo some time ago and it's quite relaxed and easy game. Might be suitable for somebody who would be way too frustrated with regular puzzle games.
Eike Oct 28, 2022
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Quoting: AnzaI played the demo some time ago and it's quite relaxed and easy game. Might be suitable for somebody who would be way too frustrated with regular puzzle games.

Thanks for pointing out. Doesn't sound like it could give me the "I'm the greatest!" feeling, like say Portal Stories: MEL in original/hard mode. :)
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