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Comedy point and click adventure Plot of the Druid is now in Early Access

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The point and click adventures just keep coming! Plot of the Druid has released featuring some more sarcastic British humour and classic, hand-drawn art. It's currently in Early Access, with Native Linux support. Another that was funded via Kickstarter, with the developer receiving $32,303 to help make it real.

"A disgraced druid apprentice goes on a quest to prevent the world from going crazy by restoring balance to the forces of love, wisdom, and wealth. A mystical comedy adventure with sarcastic British wit, hand-drawn cartoon art, and an innovative shape-shifting ability for solving puzzles. Plot of the Druid is a classic-modern point-and-click game that’s reminiscent of Simon the Sorcerer, Discworld, and Harry Potter."

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Game Features:

  • The player can decide whether to deal with a situation as a human or as a ferocious animal. Well, maybe not that ferocious, but one with a unique skill set.
  • Harness the powers of nature in order to solve puzzles. After all, sometimes an earthquake is just what’s needed to get people’s attention.
  • Beautiful hand-painted HD artwork in the style of old-school pixel art.
  • Dozens of wacky characters, ALL fully voiced.
  • Cool references to classic LucasArts and Sierra games.
  • Two difficulty levels: Young Apprentice and Master of Disaster. Finish the game to earn a digital certificate with your name on it, signed by the Elder Druids themselves!
  • Many MANY smooth 2D animations, including thrilling cutscenes.
  • Over an hour of immersive, charming music.
  • A hotspot reveal option to avoid pixel hunting.
  • Lots of achievements to be gained by exploring the world.
  • A journal to help keep you on track.
  • Available in English with Hebrew translations.

You can buy it on Steam. You can also still find the free prologue on Steam.

The developer expects it to remain in Early Access for around a year as more chapters get added to it.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Eike Nov 7, 2022
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I wouldn't buy an adventure game in early access. Or at least, I wouldn't play it. (I made one exception for developers living in the Ukraine where I bought the game early on.) When I start such a game, I want to experience the full story.

Last edited by Eike on 7 November 2022 at 3:19 pm UTC
jordicoma Nov 7, 2022
It's it became as good as simon the Sorcerer or Discworld, it's worth a try. And if apart of that it's linux native, many claims that will be and then they aren't, it's an instant buy.
crabel Nov 7, 2022
I have played it already and it works fine with some bugs. I have encountered only one really bad save game bug and the developer said in the forum that he found the issue and it will be fixed in the next release.

Players who play it now are beta testers, but for me that's fine. I guess, in a few weeks the worst bugs will be ironed out.

For people who want to play a full game, the game is not finished, there are chapters missing and will be added in the next weeks/months.
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