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Competitive tactics game Duelyst is being revived with Duelyst II

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Love competitive games? How about when they're free to play? Dream Sloth Games are reviving Duelyst as Duelyst II, with approval from Counterplay Games. A game that originally reviewed quite well, but it was shut down and delisted on Steam back in February of 2020. Duelyst II was originally started as a fan-game but it's now turning into a full complete sequel.

They say "The epic battles of Final Fantasy Tactics and Advanced Wars have been distilled into focused 10 minute PvP matches, where every decision you make can be the difference between victory and defeat.". It offers up the positional aspects of traditional turn-based strategy games, with "the deep customization and dynamic gameplay of CCGs". So it's a turn-based deck-building battler.

Since it will be free to play, they're aiming to keep it away from any pay to win mechanics with you being able to "quickly" build your collect by playing with monetization focused on cosmetic items.

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  • Position your units on the battlefield and destroy the enemy General to claim victory in strategic, turn-based combat.
  • Construct a deck from hundreds of unique cards - use minions, spells, and artifacts to discover new strategies and devastating combos.
  • Choose from six powerful factions: Lyonar Kingdoms, Songhai Empire, Vetruvian Imperium, Abyssian Host, Magmar Aspects, and Vanar Kindred.
  • Climb the ranked ladder, compete in draft mode, challenge friends, and solve puzzles to uncover the lore of the world.
  • An all new Original Soundtrack.

It will have full Native Linux support and it is crowdfunding on Kickstarter, with the $25,000 goal not only hit they've managed to nearly double it and there's 10 days left on the campaign.

Their current plan is to have an Open Beta this year. They said "Q4" but we're already inside that and they haven't given a more clear date yet exactly. Likely shortly after the campaign ends.

You can also follow it on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Dragosak Nov 1, 2022
Liam, where did you get the info that it'll natively support Linux? I played and enjoyed the original, but was on the fence on backing the kickstarter and so I did what I usually do in that case: Ctrl + F "Linux" - and it did come up empty and still does.

With Linux Support, I'm backing it for sure.
Liam Dawe Nov 1, 2022
Quoting: DragosakLiam, where did you get the info that it'll natively support Linux? I played and enjoyed the original, but was on the fence on backing the kickstarter and so I did what I usually do in that case: Ctrl + F "Linux" - and it did come up empty and still does.

With Linux Support, I'm backing it for sure.
Their press info.
zeza2 Nov 1, 2022
Quoting: DragosakLiam, where did you get the info that it'll natively support Linux? I played and enjoyed the original, but was on the fence on backing the kickstarter and so I did what I usually do in that case: Ctrl + F "Linux" - and it did come up empty and still does.

With Linux Support, I'm backing it for sure.

One of the Dream Sloth devs here 👋

We are having an open playtest until November 7th, so you can play Duelyst 2 right now! The Linux build is available through our Steam page.

BalkanSpy Nov 2, 2022
Aw man, Duelyst was one of my favorite games. The blend of careful tactical positioning and wisely managing your deck of cards made for a pretty unique game. Not to mention that the soundtrack and look of the game were awesome.

I was sad when the original Duelyst was shut down, but this news made my day.
pmadzik Nov 2, 2022
Can anyone know how this game compares to "Hero Academy"?
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