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Future Tech Pack to bring more gadgets to Prison Architect

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Future Tech Pack is the next small DLC for Prison Architect, releasing on November 22 it will give you some new gadgets to play with. Releasing along with the Future Tech Pack is The Slam, a free patch containing some quality of life improvements, a Visitor Only zone, more categories for your Staff breaks, and more.

Here's what the DLC will contain:

  • Advanced Searchlights - This technological marvel tracks misbehaving inmates. Equipped with a CCTV camera, a dramatic cone of light, and a siren, nothing will go unnoticed. The best thing? You can operate the searchlights yourself!
  • New floors, Futuristic Doors, and Keycards - Squares are a thing of the past — embrace the future with hexagonal and triangular tiles. Thanks to the new shiny keycards that open every futuristic door, your guards won't need keys anymore.
  • Tracking Devices - Equip the most troublesome prisoners with tracking devices. Through this new section in the security menu you can select which prisoners need extra monitoring. The tracking devices will allow them access through designated keycard doors, tell you instantly of any new addictions, and, most importantly, instantly inform you if they dare to leave the range of your routers using the new tracking monitors in the security room.
  • Structural Updates - Say goodbye to concrete walls and welcome Glass. With Glass walls, you can keep an eye on your inmates at all times. Who needs privacy? If you deem it necessary, there is also an Electrified Fence at your disposal.
  • Aesthetics and Robot-Dogs - We have reworked the design of inmates' and staffs’ uniforms, for a more futuristic look. And don’t forget Subwoofer and Byte, the two new robot guard dogs.
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It will be priced at $2.99 / £2.09 GBP / €2.99.

You can buy Prison Architect from GOGHumble Store and Steam.

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