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Transport Tycoon Deluxe inspired game OpenTTD has a new release coming

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OpenTTD is a free and open source sim based on the classic Transport Tycoon Deluxe, and the team have announced a new release is coming with a first Beta. While based on TTD, OpenTTD had a wide array of improvements including bigger maps, better multiplayer, dedicated servers, better AI and so much more.

Version 13.0 has a first Beta release out with these highlights:

  • Build NewGRF objects over an area with click-and-drag.
  • You can purchase land multiple tiles at a time.
  • Wider rivers on map generation.
  • Improved handling of HiDPI and mixed-DPI screens.
  • Improved layout of the finance window.
  • Some more GUI improvements like a cleaned up finance window.
  • Many bug-fixes (over 50 of them), tweaks, changes, and other additions.

One of the biggest and longest-running open source games, OpenTTD is simply magnificent for those that love the classics. A good reminder it exists if you somehow haven't heard of it.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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AciD Nov 2, 2022
Love this game!
A real classic!!
Philadelphus Nov 2, 2022
Wider rivers? Color me interested! I don't understand that first bullet point though. How do you build things "over an era"? Oh, wait, is that supposed to be "area"? (Honestly not sure if that's a typo.)
Klaas Nov 2, 2022
It has to be area – era doesn't make any sense.
emphy Nov 3, 2022
Recently made sure that Chris Sawyer and John Broomhall (composer) also got their dues by buying transport tycoon mobile. Not touching that version with a ten-foot pole, but the remastered music is a great drop-in for openttd ^_^

Last edited by emphy on 3 November 2022 at 5:41 am UTC
Nagezahn Nov 3, 2022
If it's a typo, it's also in the original release notes.
Klaas Nov 3, 2022
It has to be related to #9709:
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