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It was pretty much a given that Dwarf Fortress was going to be popular on Steam, but the smash hit it has become is quite a surprise on just how well it's doing.

Currently it's the #1 top selling game on Steam, and according to the head of the publisher on Twitter, it smashed through somewhere around 160K sales in under 24 hours that they expected to hit in around 2 months. On Steam it also already has an Overwhelmingly Positive user rating from over 6,000 people. On Metacritic, it also has a very high score from both journalists and users.

As I already confirmed, it works out of the box on Steam Deck and Linux desktop with Proton but going by their new FAQ, they do still fully plan Native Linux support as they have "already contacted a trusted programmer who will be looking into it". They're also reducing the price in a couple of regions that were hit hard by inflation.

You can buy it on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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ziggurat Dec 8, 2022
I'm temporarily financially indisposed, but I will buy this game early next year if I don't get a steam gift card for xmas.
I don't know if I am able to get into the game, but if I can't get into it I would still happily support the developers with some change (when I am able to).
Purple Library Guy Dec 8, 2022
I guess the thing about Dwarf Fortress is there are a lot of people out there who have heard it's cool, but who never had the motivation to sort of hunt it down and figure out what to do with it. And now, there it is on Steam!
Philadelphus Dec 8, 2022
There's a thread on the forums where someone, suspicious of the rapidly-rising positive reviews, confusedly asked "have all those ppl been playing free DF for 25 years and just waiting for an opportunity to pay $30?"

To which over 2,600 people have responded, mostly with a simple "Yes."
BigJ Dec 9, 2022
Quoting: zigguratI'm temporarily financially indisposed, but I will buy this game early next year if I don't get a steam gift card for xmas.
I don't know if I am able to get into the game, but if I can't get into it I would still happily support the developers with some change (when I am able to).

Hi ziggurat, did you get a chance to play Ziggurat 2?

It didn’t quite hook me as much as the first one, unfortunately. It’ll the gameplay wasn’t quite as exciting for some reason. And I missed the hidden rooms :)
Shakajiub Dec 9, 2022
Love the game to no end, the last time I played was like 10 years ago. When the native linux support comes I will be paying the crap out of it. Almost everything I've seen about the release is amazing, really cannot wait.
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