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Myst, the remake of the 1993 classic, has been updated and is now Steam Deck Verified so you can go and get as confused as I was by it. I've not played the 2021 remake myself but it sure does look good, and I have some fond memories of trying to figure out the original.

The latest update to the game notes full Steam Deck support with:


  • Myst will now autodetect to optimal graphics settings when playing on Steam Deck for the first time (this will not affect games that are streamed to Steam Deck; it only affects game instances from installations on the Steam Deck itself). Autodetect can be used in the graphics settings menu to bring you back to these optimal settings on the Steamdeck version of Myst at any time.
  • Updated credits localization for a few members.


  • Spoiler, click me
    (SPOILER) Fix for a little piece of Atrus’ hair floating away from his head while in D’ni.
  • Fix for player height being a bit off in VR when descending some ladders around Myst, regardless of Quick Travel On Ladders enabled or not.
  • Fix for “(Restart Needed)” showing up next to the ray tracing option if you simply auto detect your graphics settings in the graphics settings menu, without modifying the ray tracing setting at all.
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Nice to see lots of developers tweaking their games to have them work better!

You can buy it on Humble Store and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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jordicoma Jan 30, 2023
Hope it can still run on normal linux.
No need to put STEAM_DECK=1 at least.
hjahre Jan 30, 2023
Arehandoro Jan 30, 2023
As much as I like graphic adventures, I was never able to get hooked to any first person puzzler like Myst, Atlantis, etc.
denyasis Jan 30, 2023
I remember playing this when it came out. I think I own the whole series from GOG. It was hard af for me (granted I was like 12 when I played it). But it was fun, I have to play the others still.
legluondunet Jan 30, 2023
Finally a modern version with multilanguage subtitles and hd graphics.
I bought it and I can tell you it works very well on Linux Steam, this remastered version worth the price.

Last edited by legluondunet on 30 January 2023 at 3:36 pm UTC
slaapliedje Jan 31, 2023
I beat this back in the day on my Atari JaguarCD.
ElectricPrism Jan 31, 2023
My friend knew the OG developers of this game. Hearing stories of dark workplaces and ludicrous amounts of coffee was fun.

I really do respect the art-form of puzzle games and games trying to carve a niche from the golden age.
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