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Batman Rogue City is a fun looking GZDoom fan game

By - | Views: 22,700

Here's a fun retro fan game for you! Batman Rogue City released in December for GZDoom and looks like a criminal-kicking good time. As a fan game, it of course has nothing to do with DC Comics but you know what these big companies can be like, they might get itchy fingers over someone using their names and designs.

The Mod DB page doesn't really give it much of a description, but a nice touch is a full PDF manual included with the download that expands on the story and more.

It has over 30 villains and their henchmen, 8 action-packed levels, 8 weapons, and you even get to ride in the Batmobile.

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Think I'm going to have fun with this one…

Seems to work fine on Linux, with the Flatpak version of GZDoom and putting the .pk3 file in the right place running this command launched it just fine:

flatpak run org.zdoom.GZDoom -file /home/liam/.var/app/org.zdoom.GZDoom/.config/gzdoom/BatmodRaycastRCv2.pk3

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Klaas Jan 6, 2023
Looks good.

Let's hope that it will not be taken down.
StoneColdSpider Jan 6, 2023
Quoting: KlaasLet's hope that it will not be taken down.
That is why I went and downloaded it straight away just in case it does get removed.......
axredneck Jan 7, 2023
Quoting: KlaasLet's hope that it will not be taken down.
Batman Reborn (another Doom mod about Batman) is still alive.
Shmerl Jan 8, 2023
Looks fun :)
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