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Factorio is about to increase in price so be quick

By - | Views: 35,108

The developers of the awesome Factorio have announced that the price is about to go up, so if you still haven't purchased it now is the time. Honestly this truly is one of the best indie games ever made, with full Native Linux support and it is Steam Deck "Playable" too.

This is the third price rise in 7 years (at least going by GBP) and it's never been on sale either, so it's not like holding out for a big sale event on various stores is going to help.  The price will rise by $5 tomorrow (and likely the equivalent in your currency), January 26th, as announced by the official Twitter account:

Good day Engineers,

Next week, on Thursday 26th January 2023,
We will increase the base price of Factorio from $30 to $35.

This is an adjustment to account for the level of inflation since the Steam release in 2016.

Why don't they ever put it on sale? It's a good question and their original answer on this was about "respecting the players who have already purchased the game" and not to "reward the people who hold off on buying the game". It's a pretty fair point really and they've done well to sell so many copies without a sale with an Overwhelmingly Positive user rating on Steam.

Available to buy on GOG, Humble Store and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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pb Jan 25, 2023
I managed to snatch it before the first price increase. I rarely buy games at full price, so clearly their strategy is working. ;-)
Termy Jan 25, 2023
If that's a game for you, then even the new price is worth the playtime you will probably get out of it tbh ^^
woox2k Jan 25, 2023
Them being annoyed by people who want to get games at a reasonable price just means they aren't getting my money. I know i would love this game and current price would even be worth it, i still won't buy it unless there's a sale!

It's their decision, if they want more money with less players then it's up to them. I prefer companies who eventually let everyone to have a go at the game when it's popularity and sales have gone down.
Purple Library Guy Jan 25, 2023
Well. I'm stingy, so . . .

Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 25 January 2023 at 6:06 pm UTC
Viesta2015 Jan 25, 2023
money is already tight... so i guess ill never get my hands on this game.
Grogan Jan 25, 2023
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Why would anybody pay that much for a game of that nature? It doesn't even look very nice. I mean seriously... in this day and age, $35 USD for that?

"The level of inflation since its release in 2016" <--- Now that's just insulting. How stupid do they think people are. Nobody raises the price of their games as they get older, even when there has been ongoing work.

"It doesn't go on sale out of respect for players that paid..." <--- Again, how stupid do they think we are.

It's nice that steam lets people market games, but they get delusions of grandeur as to what they are worth. Yes, that's right, games are a lot of work for an independent team. That doesn't make rudimentary games worth more.

We can go buy AAA games for less than that on GoG or Steam after they are several months or a year old.

This behaviour should not be praised.
Purple Library Guy Jan 25, 2023
Quoting: GroganWhy would anybody pay that much for a game of that nature? It doesn't even look very nice. I mean seriously... in this day and age, $35 USD for that?
However it looks, the game has a lot of devoted fans and has seen a lot of praise. Mostly about the gameplay, not the graphics. So I don't think the price is necessarily out of line, even though I myself am too cheap to pay it.
Cyril Jan 25, 2023
I understand their stance, but I think 30€ for it is already a high price for me, so 35€ even more.
I only regret I didn't buy it years ago, but that move won't make me buy it, sorry.
Chronarius Jan 25, 2023
Quote"respecting the players who have already purchased the game" and not to "reward the people who hold off on buying the game".

What? WHAT? WHAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!!? What kind of bullshit (sorry!) is this?!?!?!

I have purchased the game as it was in "Early Access" for about 20 Bucks to support the development of the game! To be honest I feel NOT respected by this answer! If I could then I would refund the game right now!

The truth is they don't want ever to put the game on a sale. Oh and btw! Isn't there an DLC upcoming which should have the same price as the game? Which is IMHO the real reason for that <censored>!!!
WorMzy Jan 26, 2023
Damn fine game, but this reeks of greed. I'm disappointed.
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