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JSAUX will be doing more colours for their Steam Deck backplate

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Accessory brand JSAUX recently did a poll to see what colours people might like for a Steam Deck backplate and the winners are in.

Currently you can only order a clear backplate, well, they're mostly clear as it has a sort of frosted look to it which helps cover up the kind of small manufacturing issues you can see with some completely clear designs. People kept asking for colours though, and so JSAUX did a poll on Twitter with the result being Purple and Green as the winners and so they will be doing those sometime from April:

I do wish Blue won though, I would have loved that but Purple looks pretty awesome I will admit.

JSAUX also recently (finally) released a statement about their mishap on teaming up with a very dubious store after some pushing from me, and they're trying to do better on a whole bunch of other points I raised with them too which is really good to see.

All this and more is covered in my recent Steam Deck news round-up video:

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Pengling Jan 24, 2023
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The purple one has a strong Game Boy Colour vibe to it! That said, I agree - I think that blue would look a bit nicer on the Steam Deck.

Also, I notice that the big ugly logo from the first one is absent here, and it looks so much better as a result.
drlamb Jan 24, 2023
Quoting: PenglingAlso, I notice that the big ugly logo from the first one is absent here, and it looks so much better as a result.

While they may be absent from the renders I imagine the logo will be present on the finished design.

I do hope I’m wrong as I’d love an atomic purple deck.
Liam Dawe Jan 24, 2023
Quoting: drlamb
Quoting: PenglingAlso, I notice that the big ugly logo from the first one is absent here, and it looks so much better as a result.

While they may be absent from the renders I imagine the logo will be present on the finished design.

I do hope I’m wrong as I’d love an atomic purple deck.
They entirely removed the logo after feedback.
Purple Library Guy Jan 24, 2023
Of course purple, as the superior colour, won. At least one part of the universe is unfolding as it should.
Maxine Jan 24, 2023
I get nostalgia from these backplates.
It fills me with determination.
Pengling Jan 24, 2023
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Quoting: Purple Library GuyOf course purple, as the superior colour, won. At least one part of the universe is unfolding as it should.
Meanwhile, over in Universe B, Blue Library Guy is saying the same thing about the blue case.
drlamb Jan 24, 2023
Quoting: Liam Dawe

Oh hell yes. I hadn't seen that.
trev0r Jan 24, 2023
No pink yet?
s01itude Jan 25, 2023
I think purple and green won because they were the 2 most popular "atomic" colors from nintendo's systems, if I recall correctly. I didn't even bother voting because i wanted purple and I knew it was going to get first.

Last edited by s01itude on 25 January 2023 at 1:20 am UTC
Purple Library Guy Jan 25, 2023
Quoting: Pengling
Quoting: Purple Library GuyOf course purple, as the superior colour, won. At least one part of the universe is unfolding as it should.
Meanwhile, over in Universe B, Blue Library Guy is saying the same thing about the blue case.
Just one reason why Universe A is clearly better.
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