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The overlooked gorgeous pixel-art Lila's Sky Ark is now on GOG

By - | Views: 28,597

Here's a fresh chance for me to tell you to take a look at the overlooked gem that is Lila's Sky Ark, as it's now on GOG.

What is it? The second game from Monolith of Minds who first gave us the action-adventure Resolutiion. Technically this game is Resolutiion's prequel story, not that you need to know that as it's entirely standalone. Lila's psychedelic world is in grave danger. Help her and her eccentric friends stop the Conductor’s minions from destroying all things musical and magical in this meditative action-adventure game.

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Game Features:

  • Explore Lila's pyschedlic world and get to know her quirky cast of friends, such as the fantastically bespectacled Doctor-Father-Sir and the raven shopkeepers.
  • Search this groovy dreamscape for hidden secrets, recipes, and even new glasses for a certain Sir.
  • Unravel Lila's puzzle-like story, which explores themes such as loss, loneliness, grief, and depression, in this moving prequel to Resolutiion.
  • Battle music-inspired enemies and punishing bosses using an array of strange weapons unlocked through alchemy recipes.

Released originally back in April 2022, amongst many other fantastic titles it was completely overlooked by most with only 67 user reviews on Steam (and only 8 of those gave it a thumbs down).

Now you can grab it on GOG on top of Humble Store and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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PublicNuisance Jan 26, 2023
Thanks for the heads up. 2D puzzle games aren't always my thing but this looks interesting enough to go after.
Shmerl Jan 26, 2023
Looks pretty cool with fluid pixel art animation. And developer caring to release it for Linux is good! This seems to become more rare these days.

Last edited by Shmerl on 26 January 2023 at 7:01 pm UTC
Liam Dawe Jan 26, 2023
Quoting: ShmerlLooks pretty cool with fluid pixel art animation. And developer caring to release it for Linux is good! This seems to become more rare these days.
More rare based on what? SteamDB clearly shows more Native releases than ever last year.
Shmerl Jan 26, 2023
Quoting: Liam DaweMore rare based on what? SteamDB clearly shows more Native releases than ever last year.

Really? I guess meaning new games I cared about / was interested in then. Just a subjective feeling that less and less Linux games fall into that category, while there were more not so long ago.

I think last native Linux game I bought was Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness.


To be fair though I have a bunch in the wishlist like new Return to Monkey Island.

Last edited by Shmerl on 26 January 2023 at 8:18 pm UTC
Klaas Jan 26, 2023
I've been disappointed several times last year (and before) with GOG releases without Linux version like Dome Keeper.
whizse Jan 26, 2023
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I was curious what the numbers was for GOG compared to Steam, and there was actually quite a dip for new native releases during the last year:

60 2022
85 2021
112 2020
98 2019
109 2018

Note: This only counts new game releases for a particular year, not titles newly released on GOG.

I think this reflects more on the state of GOG and their lukewarm appreciation of Linux gamers and developers rather than the state of (native) Linux gaming.
Klaas Jan 26, 2023
Quoting: whizseI was curious what the numbers was for GOG compared to Steam
Excellent timing. Thank you.
Liam Dawe Jan 26, 2023
GOG have weird taste in games too, I’ve seen them completely deny games before on their store for no apparent reason but they will repeatedly put up retro games that largely won’t be sold. GOG doing GOG things.

Still support them and any store doing Linux though, it’s good for Valve to have competition, even small, as it helps consumers.
Klaas Jan 26, 2023
Yes, GOG seems to favour naughty rpg maker games over adventures. And they didn't want to sell Hands of Necromancy for a long time.
Shmerl Jan 26, 2023
Quoting: whizseI was curious what the numbers was for GOG compared to Steam, and there was actually quite a dip for new native releases during the last year:

60 2022
85 2021
112 2020
98 2019
109 2018

Note: This only counts new game releases for a particular year, not titles newly released on GOG.

I think this reflects more on the state of GOG and their lukewarm appreciation of Linux gamers and developers rather than the state of (native) Linux gaming.

Interesting. How did you crunch the numbers for it?
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