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It seems the season of leaks is continuing with Steam developer Valve now having a bunch of content from their games leaked online. Not the first though, as a Left 4 Dead prototype was leaked earlier.

This is a pretty huge leak, seemingly the biggest in their history and no doubt they won't be too happy about it. The leaked content includes assets from the likes of Portal, Counter Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source, Half Life 2: Episodes 1 & 2, Half-Life 2 multiplayer, and lots from Team Fortress 2.

All the leaked stuff appeared on the "Valve Cut Content" Discord server as captured by various Twitter users, with the leaker named "Leakerwanderer" apparently holding onto the files since 2016, and a bunch of it apparently comes from a repository that Valve "licenses to people when they pay for Havok and sign the NDA for the source engine". No doubt a treasure trove for people who love seeing what could have been in various Valve games.

As for why this Leakerwanderer did it, they started by explaining they noticed "recently that stuff was leaking through (sadly) Tyler McVicker, I decided to upload my copies of what I noticed was not uploaded today". So some of it was done due to frustrations about previous small leaks.

They went on to say "I am completely disconnected from the community, I'm just here to upload my copies from what otherwise I believe is something that's been floating around for a while now.", they continued, "I also did my toying around with it for a few years, did not upload because I was threatened everytime." and "I don't care anymore. That person is no longer in contact.".

They didn't elaborate on who was threatening or who they were in touch with previously. 

No doubt Valve will more closely guard what is shared with any partners in future. 

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Leaks can be interesting but I just want to know what some actual new stuff from Valve is, like Neon Prime

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Tags: Misc, Steam, Valve
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Pengling Jan 17, 2023
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Quoting: Marlockit doesn't even matter too much if the scrapped assets are horrible or better than the final ones, this can only increase interest in those aging games and increase their lifespan...
Indeed, there's even a website called The Cutting Room Floor, which is all about exactly this. This sort of thing also serves to preserve parts of gaming culture that would otherwise be lost or unknown.

Disclaimer: I accept no responsibility for anyone sinking far too many hours into reading this stuff.
Eike Jan 20, 2023
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Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: Marlock"spark a debate" is not necessarily bad for Valve either, quite the contrary!
As they say, "No publicity is bad publicity".

They do say so, but it's not true.
Ever seen somebody smoking a Strand?
Purple Library Guy Jan 20, 2023
Quoting: Eike
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: Marlock"spark a debate" is not necessarily bad for Valve either, quite the contrary!
As they say, "No publicity is bad publicity".

They do say so, but it's not true.
Ever seen somebody smoking a Strand?
That was interesting. Go figure.
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