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Get some awesome puzzle games in this latest game bundle

By - | Views: 25,172

Busy weekend? No? How about some fresh games! Humble Bundle has put up a pretty darn good collection in the latest bundle. The Unparalleled Puzzlers Bundle is live for 14 days and you don't want to miss it.

As usual, I'll go over what to expect on Linux Desktop and Steam Deck for compatibility. Noting if something is Native Linux or ProtonDB ratings (which goes: Platinum - Gold - Silver - Bronze - Broken) to save you some clicking around.

Here's what's inside:

Baba is You

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Verified
  • Linux Native


  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Platinum

DARQ: Complete Edition

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Platinum

Monument Valley: Panoramic Edition

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Playable
  • ProtonDB Platinum

Monument Valley 2: Panoramic Edition

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Playable
  • ProtonDB Platinum

The Last Campfire

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Platinum


  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Gold

See the bundle here.

Baba is You is probably one of my all-time favourite puzzle games, worth it for that alone and the full bundle costs less than just that game by itself at normal price. Solid bundle.

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About the author -
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
See more from me
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no_information_here Feb 25, 2023
I played Last Campfire on desktop Proton and really enjoyed it. Very smooth.

Looks like a good bundle!
BalkanSpy Feb 26, 2023
I immediately picked this up, Monument Valley on PC, aw yeah. And the other titles look good too.
Sparhawk Mar 1, 2023
Good deal, bought it!
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