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Going to live my dream of Fifth Element flying cars in MiLE HiGH TAXi

By - | Views: 27,652

Remember the classic sci-fi movie Fifth Element? I sure do and I only watched it again recently, where memories came flowing back of how I used to want those flying cars. Well, one game developer clearly loved it too and they're soon releasing MiLE HiGH TAXi.

The developer mentions it shouldn't take players long to get to grips with the controls, and you can expect a "pulse-pounding ride" where you'll "encounter a cast of hilarious and chatty pedestrians, as well as impatient and over-the-top passengers" as you try to avoid all sorts of obstacles.

It's a mixture of Crazy Taxi, with mechanics inspired by Fifth Element and I honestly can't wait to try it out. Created by solo dev Cassius John-Adams, it's looking impressive as you'll see in the below trailer:

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It has a few different game modes too:

  • In regular mode, strategize to pick up and drop off passengers in efficient ways, maximizing your earnings and extending your game time and career.
  • In Challenge mode, you'll face increasingly difficult challenges as you deliver passengers sequentially to level up.
  • In Free Roam mode, you'll be able to explore the city with no time limits or passenger pickups, discovering hidden shortcuts and other secrets as you go.

The developer plans to release it on March 13th, with Native Linux support and it is Steam Deck Verified ahead of release.

Follow it on Steam now.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Boldos Feb 3, 2023
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Hmmm... Reminds me of Cloudpunk, should finish it finally...
Arehandoro Feb 3, 2023
Cloudpunk meets Crazy Taxi?
Cybolic Feb 3, 2023
Oh, that's a tricky one! While I like pretty much everything about the concept, I also dislike pretty much everything about the audio :/
If there's an option to disable the soundtrack and voices, I'm in
Purple Library Guy Feb 3, 2023
That looks like a lot of fun. I would probably be absolutely awful at it though.
Shmerl Feb 3, 2023
Looks cool. I hope they'll make a GOG release too.
whizse Feb 3, 2023
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Quoting: CybolicOh, that's a tricky one! While I like pretty much everything about the concept, I also dislike pretty much everything about the audio :/
If there's an option to disable the soundtrack and voices, I'm in
I quite liked the soundtrack. It's the shirt on the driver I have a problem with. I think neither TÛV, the DMV or the MOT would approve of it for driving (or flying)!
Purple Library Guy Feb 3, 2023
Quoting: whizse
Quoting: CybolicOh, that's a tricky one! While I like pretty much everything about the concept, I also dislike pretty much everything about the audio :/
If there's an option to disable the soundtrack and voices, I'm in
I quite liked the soundtrack. It's the shirt on the driver I have a problem with. I think neither TÛV, the DMV or the MOT would approve of it for driving (or flying)!
Admittedly that shirt is so loud it probably breaks some noise ordnances.

Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 3 February 2023 at 9:06 pm UTC
jarhead_h Feb 4, 2023
Someone found a way to make Cloudpunk less boring.
const Feb 4, 2023
Quoting: whizse
Quoting: CybolicOh, that's a tricky one! While I like pretty much everything about the concept, I also dislike pretty much everything about the audio :/
If there's an option to disable the soundtrack and voices, I'm in
I quite liked the soundtrack. It's the shirt on the driver I have a problem with. I think neither TÛV, the DMV or the MOT would approve of it for driving (or flying)!
Soundtrack and voices are what makes this a spiritual successor to Crazy Taxi more then the obviously inspired gameplay. Wishlisted :D
Anza Feb 4, 2023
Quoting: Purple Library GuyThat looks like a lot of fun. I would probably be absolutely awful at it though.

That's feeling I got from the demo. Biggest problem for me was that I barely had any idea where to go, but things might have been improved and the freeroam mode might help with getting more familiar with the city. Hopefully there are distinct landmarks though, otherwise that will be hopeless.
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