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Paradox Interactive announced that on Monday, March 6th they will be announcing a whole bunch of new games and expansions.

I'm cautiously excited as they said it will include new games from Harebrained Schemes (Shadowrun / BATTLETECH), Colossal Order (Cities Skylines) and Paradox Tectonic (led by industry veteran Rod Humble). Not just that there will also be new expansions for existing games, free updates and news from their own Paradox Arc publishing initiative.

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From the press release:

“I don’t want to say we have too many announcements, but it’s hard to choose which one has me most thrilled,” said Fredrik Wester, CEO of Paradox Interactive. “Talking directly with our players about our games, sharing their excitement for what’s coming next, comparing how many hours we’ve played - it’s something everyone at Paradox profoundly enjoys. I’m also eager not to have to keep these announcements secret for much longer.”

Their show will start at March 6, 2023 at 18:00 CET / 17:00 UTC. You'll be able to watch on their YouTube and Twitch.

Will you be tuning in? What are you hoping to see announced?

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Pinguino Feb 28, 2023
That sounds nice and all, but isn't announcing an announcement kind of like scheduling a meeting to schedule a meeting?
Arehandoro Feb 28, 2023
Quoting: PinguinoThat sounds nice and all, but isn't announcing an announcement kind of like scheduling a meeting to schedule a meeting?

A symlink to a symlink

Last edited by Arehandoro on 28 February 2023 at 5:18 pm UTC
Philadelphus Feb 28, 2023
I probably won't be tuning in, but I'll be interested to see what they announce.
whizse Feb 28, 2023
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QuoteWill you be tuning in?
Nah, I prefer pay the professional to watch it for me and report back!
StoneColdSpider Feb 28, 2023
Quoting: PinguinoThat sounds nice and all, but isn't announcing an announcement kind of like scheduling a meeting to schedule a meeting?
The company I work for legit does that....... Its amazing just how much wasted time, energy and resources there are in a major national company.......
lukas333 Feb 28, 2023
Skylines 2? Hope not yet.
UnixOutlaw Mar 1, 2023
interesting - that's a long weekend here... but I'll be 8 hours ahead... damn - that's 2:00 am on a Tuesday morning... NAAAAA... bugger that
Adutchman Mar 1, 2023
I really hope that Cities Skylines 2 is in there. CS 1 is showing it's age and is becoming quite unstable, sluggish and old-looking with all the mods. Also, Colossal Order has learned a lot from CS 1, which they can apply to CS 2, so there's a ton of oppertunity there
thelimeydragon Mar 1, 2023
Cities Skylines 2000
Klaas Mar 1, 2023
The main opportunity with a new Cities Skylines game would be selling all those DLCs again.
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