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Prison Architect: Jungle Pack releases soon with another free update

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Paradox continue the DLC train here with Prison Architect: Jungle Pack announced for release on February 7th along with a free update for all players.

For the free update named The Jailhouse, they said it will include quality of life improvements including changes to guard behaviour, improvements to quick build materials, a small makeover of the deployment scheduler and the addition of Toby, a Yorkshire Terrier dog. The update also re-balances the Identity Thief reputation and other in-game effects.

As for the DLC here's what you can expect from it:

  • It’s a prison, in a jungle! - Enjoy some wooden furniture, five new flooring types (one specific for water!), one outdoor cinema plus new walls and doors: all is set to thrive in the jungle.
  • Tropical fever (and how to survive it) - Tropical fever can spread among inmates. Luckily, you can fight and manage it with netted beds, fire pits, and a new, cutting-edge medical program.
  • A different environment - In the jungle, you will find new trees, which you can farm and sell, or chop down for lumber. Some wood variants for guard towers, drains, etc. are also available.

Check out the trailer:

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You can buy Prison Architect from GOGHumble Store and Steam. It has Native Linux support and Valve tagged it as Steam Deck Playable (but not fully Verified).

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

StoneColdSpider Feb 3, 2023
I honestly had no idea that Prison Architect was still a thing..........
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