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Superfluous Returnz is an unnecessary video game of a useless superhero

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French comedy point and click adventure Superfluous Returnz is all about a useless superhero and it's releasing on May 15th. Coming with Native Linux support, I must admit one particular scene in the trailer made me laugh a bit, probably more than it should have.

An interesting thing about this one, is that it has a free and open source game engine made for it too named Sosage (Superfluous Open Source Adventure Game Engine).

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The action takes place in Fochougny, a very quiet French village where billionaire Harpagon Lonion resides. He regularly disguises himself as Superfluous, a very useless superhero in such a peaceful countryside ...

Helped by his assistant Sophie, who tries to somehow temper the enthusiasm of his employer, he will try to apprehend the mysterious apple thief who is terrorizing the orchards of Fochougny ...

Game Features:

  • Immerse yourself in a colorful universe in the style of a 2D cartoon.
  • Wander quietly through the village of Fochougny, an open world.
  • Solve puzzles, pick up items, combine them, talk to people from Fochougny to try to figure out what happened.
  • Play with the mouse in the best tradition of point-and-click games, or choose gamepad or keyboard controls.
  • Enjoy finely cut dialogues and omnipresent humor (the quality of the jokes is non-contractual).
  • Relax playing a game where you can't lose, die or get stuck (but where you can to tear your hair trying to solve some puzzles - hair implants are not provided).
  • Text dialogues available in English and French.

You can follow it on itch.io and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Salvatos Feb 6, 2023
Trivia: The game is made by Simon "Gee" Giraudot, a comic book artist frequently featured by Framasoft, a French FOSS NGO (and probably others) :)
I immediately recognized his style from the video’s thumbnail (the eyes, mainly).

whizse Feb 6, 2023
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Quoting: SalvatosTrivia: The game is made by Simon "Gee" Giraudot, a comic book artist frequently featured by Framasoft, a French FOSS NGO (and probably others) :)
I immediately recognized his style from the video’s thumbnail (the eyes, mainly).
Thank you so much for pointing that out!

There was something very familiar with the style, yes, the eyes! They have that unmistakable Sonic/goggles for eyes- look but I simple couldn't figure out where I had seen it before!

Wishlisted the game!
MisterPaytwick Feb 7, 2023
YEEEEEEES a game with a non-plot!

Please live up the expectation of actually being about the people and solid themes! For what I care, it could be a game solely about the ambiance of la campagne (think Postal : gameplay is super simple, plot is non-existant but the game is chock-full of ambiance).

Just, for the sake of all that exist, I hope it doesn't go full point-and-click and have some moon logic puzzles.

I guess it goes on my watchlist.
Purple Library Guy Feb 7, 2023
Quoting: MisterPaytwickJust, for the sake of all that exist, I hope it doesn't go full point-and-click and have some moon logic puzzles.
This may be bad news on that front:
Quote(but where you can to tear your hair trying to solve some puzzles - hair implants are not provided).
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