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The new Vampire Survivors update is trippy and pulled me back in

By - | Views: 26,109

Vampire Survivors is back with a brand new update that's real trippy, and also has a little Sonic flavour to it. If you don't hear from me for a week, it's because it's sucked me right back in. Send help.

I'll admit I completely burned out on Vampire Survivors for a while, especially because many other similar games have since come along that in various ways do things better (or just differently in a fun way). However, coming back to it now a few updates later and wow — there's absolutely tons of content in it to play through and unlock now.

Check out their insane new trailer below. Seriously, what madness:

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The mostly spoiler free changelog:


  • 3 new achievements.
  • 1 new challenge stage.
  • 2 new relics to get a new PowerUp and something special.


  • Items not necessary for the Queen Sigma unlock have a yellowish background color in Collection.
  • If you have at least 1M gold, the Eggman appears in Moongolow.
  • The game should remember the skins you've been using for each character.
  • "spoopyseason" spell should permanently unlock new skins for Mortaccio, Yatta Cavallo, Bianca Ramba, and O'Sole Meeo.
  • Added a team member to the credits.

Full patch notes with spoilers here.

You can find it on Steam. It has a Native Linux port (although not advertised), and works great on Desktop Linux and Steam Deck. They're still working on their big game engine port, which they also previously mentioned would bring proper Linux support too.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Julius Feb 14, 2023
This is really starting to sound like a slot machine... I wonder if that is intentional?

Last edited by Julius on 14 February 2023 at 11:37 am UTC
RedWyvern Feb 14, 2023
Quoting: JuliusThis is really starting to sound like a slot machine... I wonder if that is intentional?
It probably is, going by the analysis made in this video;
It's an interesting analysis of how games use such psychological tricks to either make the game more fun (like Vampire Survivors) or drain money from it's players (what many mobile games do).
Purple Library Guy Feb 14, 2023
Quoting: RedWyvern
Quoting: JuliusThis is really starting to sound like a slot machine... I wonder if that is intentional?
It probably is, going by the analysis made in this video;
It's an interesting analysis of how games use such psychological tricks to either make the game more fun (like Vampire Survivors) or drain money from it's players (what many mobile games do).
And indeed presumably that's why slot machines evolved to be that way . . . at that I think modern slot machines may have picked up a few tricks from good old arcade pinball games.
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